HELP WANTED! If you are ready?!?! About a year and a half ago I - TopicsExpress


HELP WANTED! If you are ready?!?! About a year and a half ago I decided I was going to change my life for the better and started working on my health. At first it was extremely hard but with time that got easier. 6 Months after I decided I would make these changes in my life I found Beachbody. My coach took the time to reach out to me and without her I would have given up! It’s been a year with Beachbody and I am never going back! I love the programs and I absolutely 100% love the business and what it’s doing for me! I have extra money now that is helping me toward my goal of being debt-free and I am on the path to success! Although I have to push myself every day to remain consistent with my business I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. Having this business has taught me self-discipline that I have never had before, it’s taught me to get out of my comfort zone and think outside the box when I wouldn’t have before AND it’s taught me that helping people makes me very happy and is my idea of being successful. I know everything happens for a reason and I am so glad that I did take that leap of faith with the help of my coach in starting my Beachbody business! My story is just one of many with this business and yours could be next! If you are ready to take that leap of faith and work for it, I am ready to help you! However this business, although great, is not for everyone. Who this business is NOT for: - Those that lack self-discipline. I can’t do everything for you but I will be right beside you as a helping hand as long as you need one ! - Those who want to take the path of least resistance. - Those unwilling to step outside their comfort zone. To get something you never had you have to do things you’ve never done. - Those that are unwilling to change. Now who AM I looking for? - Someone who knows DEEP DOWN that they were made for MORE than they are currently doing with their life. - Someone that wants to provide for themselves and not have to rely on others to support them, but also feels a calling to give back and help others! - Someone that wants to LIVE BY DESIGN: Traveling, meeting new people and giving back. The idea of working WHEN you want, with WHO you want, WHERE you want, and doing WHAT you WANT almost sounds too good to be true, but it is a possibility! - Someone who is COACHABLE and willing to spend a year (or so.) making short-term sacrifices that turn into LONG TERM SUCCESS! - Someone with a POSITIVE ATTITUDE! If this sounds anything like you then this is your time to shine! If this sounds like someone you know tag them in the post and encourage them to take that leap of faith! Comment “get me started” below, message me or check out the link below and I will get you all the details! My new Rockin’ Coach group that will take you through all the basics starts on July 14th!!! I promise you will not regret it ! happyfabulousfitness.automaticceo/
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 20:28:03 +0000

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