(.HES COMING.) For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with - TopicsExpress


(.HES COMING.) For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.(1 THESSELONIANS 4:16-18) For the trump will blast, and the Spirit-filled will hear the sound, the heavenly echo. It may be midnight when its time to go; the Saints will rise at the beckoning. Lord Jesus; will come and catch away Your bride, for weve waited so long for You. Trumpets here in earth tune us to that decibel; its the wakening of dust, to Your coup. You planned it in the portals of eternity, the way of escape for Your beloved, in the time of war To rescue the saved and sanctified, from judgment of the wicked, when time shall be no more. What will the sound be, when it blares through the mighty corridors of that vast holy spatial domain. It will wake the dead in Christ, and rapture the redeemed, we who are alive and remain. Your Glory will streak the silent skies, as spirits are caught up, and Angels fly in rabid glee. For the joy of the Church has finally come, and we can lay down the swords of a warring army. Rejoicing will fill the heavens; Holies resounding in theend of a prophecy, a bride and her groom. As worship is magnified in the portals of worships abode, but at last, now, it has mushroomed. The Angels prepared and rehearsed for this day; it was voiced on golden streets, and longed for with pride. The Bride would come home, the marriage supper was set and pain would go, with the tears that were cried. The Glory of the Lord and the worship at His throne, have deleted our assignments, for now we are home. Weve completed the holy circle, from God to creation and back to God, replaced with an eternal Shalom. For it happened! The day for which we had been yearning, praying, begging for, in this race were runningThe Trumpet Sounded, the Bride said, I do and the aura of heaven changed; no more saying, Hes Coming. (SHALOM)
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 06:41:32 +0000

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