HHH: How are you doing Michael? You know I think I express my - TopicsExpress


HHH: How are you doing Michael? You know I think I express my opinion on that last week Cole. Cena ask for his rematch and I give to him and Lesnar had no problem with it and Heyman had no problem with it. Was it the smartest thing to do at this point? You saw the beating that he took and just like Shawn said, you dont walk out of an beating like that without being change somehow. The question is what is that change? You know, I dont know I think Im on the same page with Shawn, with Ric. And I think if Hogan was honest with himself which quite frankly I dont know if he ever is, I think he might be on the same page too. It could be, It could be, that the change is an positive one, bit I prided myself on being able to read people and read their emotions in my career and being able to manipulate quite frankly, those emotions and when I saw John Cena Monday night in an fit of rage tearing through The Wyatts. What I saw was an man trying really, really, really, really hard to send an message to Brock Lesnar, Maybe one might say too hard to try to send an message to Brock Lesnar. I think in an way, you know put yourself in Cenas shoes you told everybody in your whole career that you cant never give and you cant never quit and up until now it work out good for you but you take the beating like that and you walk away from it but in your mind, can you survive another? Do you really think you can over come that and if you cant are you just setting yourself up to take the worst beating and is might is the last beating that you ever take. Its pretty intimidating cliff to step up to, So what do you do? You fold or do you try to regroup and try to do everything you can, I think John Cena is the kind of guy that regroup and try to do everything he can but Im not sure in his mind John Cena doesnt agree with Shawn Michaels. John Cena doesnt agree with Ric Flair, John Cena doesnt agree with me and John Cena doesnt agree with Brock Lesnar, I think this might be John Cenas last stand. I thought the Eulogy Seth Rollins had for Dean Ambrose was very touching, I thought it was a very nice gesture, Talk about not holding a grudge against a guy right? Seth Rollins goes out there to pay honor to his former Shield buddy, his brother as Ambrose liked to refer to them... It was an very touching and you know a lot of people dont get to see the emotional side of Seth Rollins very often. This was a nice emotional gesture, I thought. It absolutely was. Would I take action against Kane and Rollins or would I take action against Roman Reigns? Roman Reigns who then picked those cinderblocks up and tried to bash Seth Rollins in the head with it. Thank God Seth Rollins has the reflexes of a cat... did you see how fast he was? he was able to escape that but If Roman Reigns had his way Seth Rollins would be in the hospital because of a cinderblock. You just want me to let that go? So thats what you. So dont punish Roman Reigns, dont look at Roman Reigns just let all of that go. Cole, you know this is an physical business. It is and Im looking for A plus players that can hang and that can be everything that I need them to be within this business which is an very difficult business. Now Ive said it before, Daniel Bryan proved he wasnt the A-plus player, Hes B-plus and thats why hes not here right now. Thats why hes been out for so long injured. it is, It just is what it is, not everyone is a tough guy... You know Dean Ambrose, if you cant hanging you know The WWE Universe and All of you WWE Universe people voted for that match falls count anywhere and all of you wanted anything to you and all of you wanted it all to be legal and it was,. And Dean Ambrose bite off than he could chew and Seth Rollins took him out. Well probably never see Dean Ambrose again because hes probably an A+ plus player that can hang you know Im not about to start banning everything that might potentially injured an guy around here or punishing people because they tried to push things an little bit you just got to be tough enough to hang. If guys like Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose and potentially Roman Reigns, if theyre not tough enough, if they get run off then...then maybe thats whats best for business.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 02:32:18 +0000

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