HILLSIDE HELPS-“… Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers - TopicsExpress


HILLSIDE HELPS-“… Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” (James 1:23) There can be no substitute for individual and joint study of God’s Word. How awesome it is to open the Word to read God’s Truth, learning it step by step and precept by precept. Truly blessed are those who search the scriptures and believe the Truth therein. But, it is not enough to sit and soak up the Word privately or publically. That may produce pages of notes, a well-marked Bible, an ability to locate the different books of the Bible and, knowledge of subject matter, which are all essential, but unless the Truth learned is the Truth lived, it remains only a record and not a reality. Truth is not to be buried and lost in the mind and heart. It is to be lived out and put into practice in daily life. If you don’t use it, meaning a disciplined life of “doing the Word”, you lose it. What you have heard and learned is only retained for a short time, unless it is put into pure practice. Hearers of the Word are to become doers of the Word. Listeners of the Word are to become livers of the Word. The one, who only hides the Word in their heart but refuses to live it and share it, deceives themselves. There is no greater deception than that of “deceiving your own selves”. The word for deceiving is used in mathematics as a term for “miscalculation”. So then, those who hear only, but fail to do the Word, make a huge individual miscalculation. There is such a void in the life of the person who, listens but yet is not disciplined enough to apply what is learned in a daily practical walk. It is so important to put into practice the things heard because education is only half the task. The other half is implementation. If one knows the Truth and fails to put it into practice, what is learned is soon forgotten. James describes this dilemma in this way, “For if any be a hearer of the Word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass. For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he is” (James 1:23-24) The one who listens and learns the Truth, yet does not apply that Truth, soon forgets it. Bible reading and study as an individual or group has an intended purpose. It is more than education; it for the edification and equipping of the saints. As one learns Truth and through the power of the Holy Spirit applies Truth, victory in the moment of temptation is possible. That’s why it important to put the Word into practice day by day. Today, I pray that you will be more than a hearer of the Word. Listening is good, but as you put His Word into practice you will avoid making the miscalculation that you can make it without doing it. Love for you all. (Bro. Jerry McNeer) PLEASE SHARE
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 12:06:28 +0000

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