HON ORDINANCE EMEJIS GRATITUDE A REMINDER TO REMEMBER (Common Sense isnt Common) In this few past days, Hon. Ordinance Emeji has proved to many that the highly celebrated word Common-sense isnt common as he embarks on visits to show gratitude to various groups and persons that have contributed to his life and visions in life - an act that is largely ignored and scarcely adhered to by many. Hon. Ordinance by this act reminds me of the Luke 17:11-19 incident in the Bible about 10 men Jesus healed but only one came back to give thanks and show gratitude for what the Lord did for him. Again, it makes me remember what the Lord said about perfecting the healing permanently of the one that came back to show his gratefulness and believe in His Greatness. Gratitude is an attitude that makes a man show his strongest fortitude and takes a man to his highest altitude. ~Hillary Oparaodu (C) 2014 For me, whoever gave Ordinance this advise may be said to have bought and brought the seed of growth with which Hon. Ordinance has planted his tree of greatness in future. However, whether it came directly from his thinking or through the let-know of someone, the bottom-line remains that he has just exhibited such a wise insight and good foresight that will make him eat amongst other parts the bottom-pot which is the sweetest in the days ahead. A Reminder to Remember as Hon. Ordinance Hosts PHCSA Elders Forum It looked like a mirage when the text messages reflected in the cell phones of the members of the Elders Forum of Port Harcourt City Students Association (PHCSA) that Hon. Ordinance Emeji wants to host them and have a tete-a-tete with them in bid to express his gratitude for their support from his early days. It looked like shadows in the dark-light and a reflection in a mirror until the chairs and tables with the accompanying ingredients were set in preparation for this uncommon and unexpected meeting. It later looked like a miracle to the reality of the said meeting as Hon. Ordinance Emeji as one of them truly hosted the PHCSA Elders Forum on the 24th July, 2014 at No 18 Gada Street, Ogbum-nu-Abali, Port Harcourt as promised. It was indeed a great time with him and amongst the elders! Hon. Ordinance Emeji while speaking told the Elders that he only came to tell them that he was appointed as the Chief of Staff of the Care-taker Committee of Port Harcourt City Local Government Council and that he only decided to show his gratitude to the body he started with for their support to him all these years. Hon Ordinance in his reminiscence of the past brought in a nostalgic feelings amongst the Elders of the student body who finally wished they could turn back the hands of the clock. In one instance, he reminded the Elders how they usually went with brooms to sweep clean the houses of their fathers very early in the morning usually on saturdays and holidays with very funny solidarity songs to show their gratitude as children to their fathers who was supporting them in their educational pursuits. He frowned that this gestures and practices are eventually going extinct in recent years. In response, the Elders vowed to always champion the course of Hon. Ordinance Emeji as they agreed to support his political pursuits irrespective of his political affiliation emphasizing that many have come to limelight and attained landmark achievements through the popularity accorded them via the Port Harcourt City Students Association (PHCSA) Rebisi National Secretariat but have negligently or are yet to remember the Association or do what Hon. Ordinance have done to show appreciation. They further advised members and other leaders to emulate this gesture of gratitude so they can receive the blessings and support of the Association in the future. Finally, in thanking the Elders for attending in their large numbers, Hon. Ordinance said he was overwhelmed by the turnout by the Elders and promised to host more of these meetings even in a bigger magnitude emphasizing that his formula one in leadership has always been to identify with those that has impacted so much in him especially when he was nothing. He posed a very pertinent question in which he asked the Elders that If you cannot show gratitude, how can someone believe you to do more for you and people trust you to lead them? He concluded by saying that outright disregard and negligence against those you started with should be eschewed by our leaders of today and advised them to go back to their roots and grassroots in order to give the best to them and get the best from them. A Reminder to Remember as a Chief of Staff shows gratitude to a CHIEF OF STAFF In similar vein also, the Chief of Staff of Port Harcourt City Local Government Area Hon. Ordinance Emeji extended his show of gratitude to the CHIEF OF STAFF of Rivers State Government House Hon. Tony Okocha as he led a delegation of some Youths, Women and Elders of Ward 3 in Port Harcourt to say thank you to Hon. Tony Okocha for his support and encouragement to his dreams and visions in life. The CHIEF OF STAFF of Government House, Hon. Tony Okocha while commending the gesture of the Chief of Staff of PH City Local Government said though the visit came at an inopportune time; that he was very impressed and appreciates the show of gratitude expressed by Hon. Ordinance. Besides and behind that he laid a serious emphasis on the loyalty, patience and perseverance of Hon. Ordinance Emeji during the trying times of His Excellency, Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi in which he then sought and fought to get back his mandate through the Apex Court of our land. He said Hon. Ordinance in those rough and tough times of the Governor was unwavering and undaunted in the struggle and thus the result of his growth in the political tree of the amiable and amicable Governor Amaechi. He advised upcoming leaders to imitate the accolades of Hon. Ordinance as a lifestyle as he thanked the youths, women and elders from Ward 3, Phalga that accompanied Hon. Ordinance on the visit which he called a commendable and a memorable one. Finally, he advised them to keep faith and be undeterred in their support for the administration of Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 13:31:45 +0000

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