HON, TOLA BANJO MOBILIZED IMPERONATORS OF NANS OGUN JCC AXIS, FAKE S.U.G PRESIDENTS TO DUPE GOVERNOR IBIKUNLE AMOSUN fca ALL IN THE NAME OF OUR LATE HERO(SEGUN OKEOWO) At exactly 7:30pm yesterday 10/2/2014, We received calls of complaint from several S.U.G presidents in Ogun state reporting the ongoing meeting with Senator Ibikunle by set of rogue and impersonators of the Students movement in the state which was facilitated by Hon. Tola banjo, At first we didn’t believe the information, we therefore make thorough investigation about the true picture of the above allegation, surprisingly we got acquainted from reliable source that the basic agenda for the convergence to meet Mr. Governor is to solicit for fund to give befitting funeral ceremony to late Com, Segun Okeowo and also to pledge loyalty of the Ogun state students as a collateral for stipends into their stinky pocket, OGTV news as 9:30pm yester night also show faces of all these impersonators . It sadden our mind that an erstwhile student’s leader like Hon Tola banjo can be so autocratic, cantankerous and wicked, finding joy in polarizing and bastardizing the student’s movement in Ogun state all in the name of personal aggrandizement, selfish interest and politics of bitterness. When Baba Segun Okeowo passed away few days ago, our leadership got there before 2pm of that very day to signed the condolence book, on Friday Jan 31st 2014 the National NANS president also came all the way from Abuja, accompanied by the SA to the President Jonathan on youths and students Com. Jude Imagwe , we were also there together to commiserate with the family of the fallen hero, None of this impersonators have deem it fit to respect the relentless effort of Baba Segun Okeowo during his days on earth and here after. But in the name of economical gain, noise making and causing confusion, Hon Tola banjo have done his worst, No we can’t take it any longer, the day Ogun state will be shut down is getting nearer. Because our patience has been exonerated, why can we be maltreated like animals, where on earth is it done that after the NANS NATIONAL LEADERSHIP has given us the mandate in lieu to the vote of the authentic S.U.G presidents in ogun state, the air has been cleared and impersonators has been warned not to be paraded again, we got acknowledge copies of letters received by the governor and especially Hon.Tola banjo to that effect, we have received certificate of office and we have being addressing issues concerning the challenges confronting and militating against our student on campuses. Yet oppressors and politician keep parading nee compo, impersonators to tarnish the image of our noble organization we can’t take it any longer; terror don’t cause the trouble of the world but trouble causes the terror . OUR INNEGOTIABLE STAND This is a disclaimer to all and sundry that forthcoming valedictory service for our late pedagogical hero Segun Okeowo is not for beggar parade mission, all letters sent by impersonators to NURTW, RTEAN, Government ministries should be declined. NANS is not meant for that, we are not beggars, no one should use the name of the late hero to enrich their pockets Hon Tola banjo has done our noble organization more harm than good, by the power conferred on me by the NANS National constitution and S.U.G president in ogun state. I hereby pronounce and enact the name of Hon. Tola banjo deputy speaker OGHA in the black book of NANS OGUN STATE; today 2/2/2014 and hence forth he shall be addressed as a Chief oppressor. Governor Ibikunle Amosun, a listening father should be aware that all money collected from him before now and yester night in the name of NANS is a well package fraud from the office of Hon Tola banjo boys and they also gives return to the godfather who sent them this dirty jobs. The departed soul of com. Segun Okeowo, the Icon of struggle will never forgive all economical comrades who turn his funeral /burial arrangement to money Making Avenue. Yours in struggle FALOLA A.O Certified NANS CHAIRMAN OGUN STATE 07086227222 Cc- Governor of ogun state -Speaker OGHA -Director SSS -Commissioner of police -Commissioner for education -Press me -Social media - Good people of ogun state
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 13:03:21 +0000

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