HOPING ALL OF YOU ARE CELEBRATING THESE AWESOME HOLIDAY WHILE CAMPING OUT UNDER THOSE BAMBOO STICKS Another observance during Sukkot involves what are known as the Four Species (arba minim in Hebrew) or the lulav and etrog. The four species in question are an etrog (a citrus fruit similar to a lemon native to Israel; in English it is called a citron), a palm branch (in Hebrew, lulav), two willow branches (aravot) and three myrtle branches (hadassim). The six branches are bound together and referred to collectively as the lulav, because the palm branch is by far the largest part. The etrog is held separately. With these four species we symbolize unity of all types. Why are these four plants used instead of other plants? There are two primary explanations of the symbolic significance of these plants: that they represent different parts of the body, or that they represent different kinds of Jews. The palm branch, which produces tasty fruit, but has no scent, represents Jews who have knowledge of Torah but are lacking in mitzvot. The myrtle leaf, which has a strong scent but no taste, represents Jews who perform mitzvot but have little knowledge of Torah. The willow, which has neither taste nor scent, represents Jews who have no knowledge of Torah and do not perform the mitzvot. We bring all four of these species together on Sukkot to remind us that every one of these four kinds of Jews is important, and we are not whole without acceptance of each other.
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 00:58:34 +0000

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