"HORLADEPUPOR TAYMEELOLUWAH": ANGLICISIZING OUR HERITAGE..! I wish I can be like Prince Williams of UK, born into royalty, fame and honour from cradle to grave (Still subject to the permissible will of God) I have denied several names as above my friendship. My take is if you dont value your heritage, you cant value yourself and you might not be able value me-Q.E.D. Charity they say begins at home. If you look at Europe, the Arabs, Asians do better than us Nigerians because they hold strong their good heritage while carefully imbibing good foreign traits for their advancements. (Please compare statistically involvement of Nigeria and Asians especially the Indians in UK in crime. Also note their positions in the civil service and the private sector). Our people are disoriented because they ve thrown away their source. They ve thrown away their gyroscope and are sinking in the abyss of life. The europeans, Americans hold strong to their origin, they dont change their origin, name and accents. They are ever proud of it as their identity. Yours is God-given and can never be taken away. I will have no apology to delete such names among fb list of friends. The truth is that copiers are never in front. They are never creative. They are zombies always waiting for orders. For you to progress in life, you must identify with wherever you came from and pick lessons to overcome whatever challenges. You must agree with your location in order to plot a meaniful journey to your desired destinations. Your background do not put your back to the ground. Accepting who you are is vital prerequisite for you to look inward and discover the great potentials in you and your enviroment. A rocket must identify with and prepare its base before it can beats the earth barrier to get into the space. There is a saying, Suits no matter how expensive does not make you a briton, briton are born and never manufactured. Likewise, if you are not a yoruba, no amount "Agbada" or flowing garments. You are what the Omnipotent has created you to be. Obama didnt need to change his name or nose to become the US president...
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 05:43:29 +0000

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