[HOW HITTING THE BOTTOM OF BURNOUT CHANGED MY LIFE] A little over a year ago, I was starting to wonder if I was bad, wrong, crazy or just stupid. Because I was hitting a totally stressed out, work-life ‘bottom’ and felt like screaming out loud “What the hell is the point in this all-work, no-play or real relaxation crap?!” So I finally asked for help and it not only transformed my life but it’s given me freedom that I didnt know even existed. BUT BEFORE THAT… it was like two different people living inside me. One was like a superman who kicked ass most of the time, but also one was like a scared, nervous little boy who had been abandoned and punished for ‘something’... But didn’t know what it was. The holidays were coming up and that just added fuel to the fire and I wanted to just shut it all off and run away. BECAUSE I FELT MAXED OUT and incapable of ‘enjoying’ my personal life let alone ‘being there’ for people during the holidays. That’s when I finally snapped and asked this guy that I had been introduced to for help. It was like he threw me a rope and pulled me out of the quicksand I was almost swallowed up by. He turned things right-side up, custom fit my business to match me and my personality, my preferences, my passions and my ‘super powers’ and helped me somehow ‘unlock’ my own genius and strengths to be kicking more ass - while working less. FAST-FORWARD A YEAR and not only is my life and biz soooo much better but I pretty much feel awesome almost all the time and I love living down here in the paradise of the Dominican Republic. AND ‘that guy’ who helped me (Todd Sedelmeier) has become one of my best friends AND we’re doing business stuff together in our ‘spare time’ because we’re out relaxing in the sun and adventuring around the island, here in the Caribbean. So, because I know how many people are still ‘suffocating’ and ‘struggling in silence’, I want to make sure they at least know about something and someone who can help them up, like I had been. MY MIND WAS BLOWN by his personal story of ‘suicidal to successful’ because Todd is one of the smartest people Ive ever known and he’s an expert in multiple arenas within self empowerment and business development and has been mentoring CEOs, coaches, consultants and high-performance professionals who want to ‘take back’ their lives. And whether you are burning out OR doing good but hitting those ‘glass ceilings’… Read this ownyourworkweek/part-1 because you’ll find some pretty revealing info to help you blast forward, while working less and actually enjoy your time off even more. I hope your world is rocking (and you’re enjoying every minute of it!)
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 19:13:41 +0000

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