HOW TO AVOID STINGING PESTS Summer: The kids are out of school, - TopicsExpress


HOW TO AVOID STINGING PESTS Summer: The kids are out of school, you’re on vacation, and even your pets are spending more time outside. This means that you and your family’s chances of being stung by pests are on the rise. Every year, more than 500,000 people visit the emergency room for stings from bees, wasps and hornets. Here are some things you can do to reduce your risk: CONTAINERS Bees are attracted to food on outdoor buffets and picnics. Keep those food and drink containers covered whenever possible to avoid attracting uninvited guests to your next outdoor event. Washing and sanitizing your trash cans (as well as using liners) on a regular basis will help reduce the incidence of stinging pests like yellow jackets and wasps. COLORS AND ODORS Everyone wants to look and smell their best, but wearing a lot of perfume and bright colors or patterns can attract those stinging pests to you. That is not what you want! Use unscented sunscreen, lotions and soaps before hanging outside for extended periods. Don’t forget your feet. If you are doing a lot of walking in grass, wear closed toed shoes to reduce the chance of stepping on scorpions and centipedes. KEEP CALM If you find yourself surrounded by stinging pests like yellow jackets or wasps, don’t panic! Swatting at pests only makes them angrier. Walk carefully and purposefully away from the stinging pests. If you get stung, remove the stinger and seek medical attention if necessary. Many people realize their allergies after the second incident. CALL A PROFESSIONAL If you find a nest on your property, call a professional like Esparza Pest Control to remove it for you. Our technicians can identify the type of pest you have and correctly remove it. Call us at (956) 316-0000 today! Just remember: John 3:16 (0000)
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 22:43:39 +0000

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