HOW TO AVOID THE END-TIME MADNESS 2 Because most Christians are - TopicsExpress


HOW TO AVOID THE END-TIME MADNESS 2 Because most Christians are not often ready to invest the kind of time needed to really understand biblical Eschatology, I often find it easier to just advise them to stay away from it, either as sermons or as term paper topics. Fortunately the Anglican and orthodox seminaries have long lost confidence in the popular Premillennial Eschatology, and therefore dont include it in their curriculum. The largest Pentecostal Bible College – West Africa Bible College – in Satellite town, Lagos (where I lectured for five years, and was once hired to organize their curriculum) have also abandoned the Premillennial Eschatology. But it isnt yet victory for the biblical end-time philosophy; i.e. for the Post-Millennial Eschatology. The reason is because, I observe that after some Christians and institutions abandoned the Premillennial Eschatology (probably because they are embarrassed by its defeatist and pessimistic nature) they still hold on to vestiges of it. This manifests whenever they make comments on end-time. In the doctrinal realm vacuums dont exist! This is why it isnt enough to discover the error in a doctrinal system; you must also get thoroughly acquainted with the alternative biblical doctrine of that system, or else some kind of schizophrenia will set in. Schizophrenia applies to Christians who are always contradicting themselves. In fact I just convinced a Qua Iboe clergy to delete a whole chapter on end-time in a book hes about to publish. Despite the thorough soundness of the books doctrinal basis, that end-time chapter stood out as a leprous finger. I really pity whole ministries that are built on the pessimism of the Premillennial Eschatology! Every evil that strikes is to them an authentication of their crazy end-time philosophy, especially when it relates to modern Israel and the Middle East. Just watch out, hundreds of thousands of books will soon hit the market, on the ongoing Israeli-Hamas war. Then thousands of gullible Christians will rush to buy them with their hard-earned money, only to discover just few years ahead that the whole predictions are nonsensical. Hal Lindsey and the co-authors of the Left Behind series have struck gold, just exploiting this end-time madness. Pastor Chris Okotie of the Household of God followed suit with his The Last Outcast. I e-mailed Okotie some free e-books on the biblical end-time, but he never replied; I understand, because it would be too costly to recall hundreds of thousands of The Last Outcast that had already hit the market. But ...what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? (Mark 8:36).
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 17:32:26 +0000

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