HOW TO DESTROY THE ROOTS OF CORRUPTION IN NIGERIA From the very foundation of Nigeria, there are many issues that have worked together to enthrone corruption in almost every aspect of our national life. Corruption is the most talked about phenomenon in Nigeria today; families talk about it in their homes, it is openly discussed at beer parlours, the media is always awash with discuss and reports about it, yet it keeps growing in leaps and bounds. Citizens cheat fellow citizens and feel smart about it only to complain when they are at the receiving end. In my opinion, corruption as we have it today is a symptom of much bigger ailments plaguing the country. Below are the problems that exacerbate corruption. It is only when these ailments are dealt with through social engineering and solidarity that corruption will be significantly reduced. 1. INTRODUCE CIVICS EDUCATION IN OUR SCHOOLS to make our children aware of their history as Nigerians. Teach them the history of our past as anation and the requirements of being a good citizen. With civics education taught in our schools, We will have better citizens who would not grow up to engage in corruption and sabotage of the national interests. 2. KILL TRIBALISM and NEPOTISM Because of tribal loyalty, a situation where citizens of Nigeria see themselves first as either Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, Ijaw, Tiv, Igala, Idoma, Fulani. As a result, recruitments and the dispensing of national favours such as government grants, contracts are done to favour tribesmen. Best candidates are jettisoned for tribesmen or friends who may not be the best hands. This causes government Ministries, Departments and Agencies to function at its optimum. A chain is as strong as its weakest link. The health and education sectors and almost every other sector are suffering as a result of clannish mind set of most Nigerians as against national interest. To understand the level of tribalism and nepotism in Nigeria, read our national dailies or visit Nigerian online forum and you will surely encounter the base and nuanced viewpoints of Nigerians coloured with tribalism and nepotism. Perhaps if our founding fathers had done a better job of forging a nation where citizens view each other as one, things would have been different. 3. TRUE FEDERALISM will change the way government business is conducted in the nation and bring about even development. Nigeria practices a quasi-federalism. Many of the federating states lack the economic parameters to qualify their statehood. In a normal federation,, states generate income based on available resources found in their domains and share it at 50/50 with the federal government. The centre uses its share to run foreign affairs, defence and other vital areas as may be agreed upon by the federating units. This will engender competition and prudent management of resources. It will encourage accountability as citizens will become more watchful and protective of their commonwealth. There was minimal corruption at the time when federalism was practiced under the regional government. 4. QUOTA SYSTEM was started because of the need to address the inbalance in education and other aspects of human development between the North and south of Nigeria in the newly independent nation. Years after this system was started, it has become an albatross to the genuine progress of the nation. In July 2013 Nigerians were shocked at the cut off marks for the admission into unity the nation’s unity colleges or Federal Government Colleges. While a a child from Anambra state required more than 138 out of 200 marks to have admission, another Nigerian child from the state of Zamfara only needed 2 out of 200 marks to gain admission. These very weak students admitted based on the faulty quota system will also be pampered into university and eventually through quota system given jobs that they do not have the capacity to handle. This system is to a large extent the bane of the civil service in Nigeria. 5. CREDIBLE ELECTIONS will throw up the best leaders who owe their emergence to the popular will of the people. Being that they are accountable to the electorates, they will strive not to disappoint their people and also to avoid being voted out in the second term. It will reduce money politics, electoral impunity and violence. 6. NATIONAL IDENTITY DATA BASE is necessary so that as a nation we can have better control of criminal elements including corrupt government officials and those who sabotage the economy. The national Identity management will help Nigeria trace the bad people and monitor those who are suspect. Illegal funds in the form of money laundry could be traced to individuals with ease. 7. CORRECT CENSUS DATA will enable better planning in different aspects of our national life. Census data is necessary and can help administrators, deploy funds to the areas where necessary. Credible census data can really help us build a strong, peaceful where equity reigns among citizens. Statistics on religion, tribe, foreigners etc should be made available. 8. MAKE LEADERSHIP POSITIONS LESS ATTRACTIVE and the acrimonious desperation and struggle for public offices will be reduced. This will attract those who are genuinely interested in service to emerge. The situation today is that our leaders in the executive positions and legislative arm of government are among the most highly paid in the world. 9. BUILD STRONG INSTITUTIONS with the freedom and mandate to function effectively for the overall good of the citizens without undue interference by the executive. With strong institutions, individuals who occupy high offices would find it difficult to bend the rules thereby strengthening the fight against corruption. Agencies such as EFCC, ICPC,CODE OF CONDUCT BUREAU will operate effectively w moneyithout looking at anybody’s face who may have engaged in corruption. 10. LEADERSHIP BY THE BEST BRAINS is very important for us to move forward, we must institute a mechanism for selecting and grooming our future leaders. We must select the finest brains with the right aptitude and through mentorship groom them for the serious task of governance. Some states are beginning to practice this and we hope it spreads all over Nigeria as our democracy takes roots. Thus we will stop electing the wrong people into public offices. For a man to steal unimaginable sums of money that his generations unborn may not need means he is not well. Great leaders plant trees they may not live to enjoy its shade while bad leaders plant paw- paw and harvest it before they leave office. 11. FINALLY, FIGHT CORRUPTION when all the above have been done and you will see how our society will be transformed overnight. Failure to do the above will be like pouring water on stone in our fight against corruption and impunity. Any leader saying that he will fight corruption without addressing the above issues will end up scratching the surface of the corruption problem. By Agwu Enekwachi
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 08:35:37 +0000

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