HOW TO DEVELOP A BETTER RELATIONSHIP WITH THE DARKER ASPECTS OF THE SELF? I am reading an excellent book at the moment called The Elegant Universe ~ Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions and The Quest For The Ultimate Theory by Brian Green. In it, Professor Green elegantly depicts the nature of a black-hole which is essentially a compressed star. He says that a black-hole has such a severely strong gravitational pull that all objects that come within its event horizon (ie. its orbit) are pulled into its centre and disappear. How similar it can be said of those pockets of darkness within us? Those pockets of fear or horror, a dark mood, or a dark thought: each of these black-holes IF WE ARE NOT COMPLETELY ON TOP OF OUR GAME, can pull us into them, sucking the life and vibrancy out of us, and start to direct and dictate our perception, therefore our choices and decisions. When we are sucked into them we start to believe their dark-narrative and castrastrophisations. Our moods can then of course affect others and perhaps even attract in experiences and events of a like-frequency. WHAT CAN WE DO TO TURN THIS AROUND? The first step is to become aware of the existence of these dark-spots within. Just to notice them without being pulled in to their centre. Then, as usual, bring in Light (the spiritual reality of who we are beyond the limitations of the body-mind) that is always the winner. You can use a mantra like: I am bringing ALL of Light into the epicentre of this (the dark-spot), Now then fearlessly watch from a spectators point of view as the Light does its thing. The more you do this, the less you will be dictated to by fear and the more you can direct your life with Love. dansainsburyhealer.wordpress
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 17:53:53 +0000

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