HOW TO GET FULL BENEFITS OF BROCCOLI Powerful resource in the - TopicsExpress


HOW TO GET FULL BENEFITS OF BROCCOLI Powerful resource in the fight against free radicals and a good prevention for atherosclerosis, heart attack, cholesterol, stroke and cataract. Broccoli (Brassica oleracea italica) is a member of the cabbage family and is one year plant yielding seed during the same year. Originating from Asia and Europe was first made in Italy, and it is called Italian broccoli. Ideal food for serious diseases Broccoli is a vegetable whose fame has been growing in the last decades. It possesses a very high nutritional value and some doctors, oriented towards alternative medicine, recommend it as food for patients who are recovering after severe diseases. Ingredient indole 3-carbinol influence the estrogen exchange and protects the development of hormone-dependent tumors, therefore women need to eat this vegetable. Broccoli needs very brief boiling to soften. Many people make a mistake of over- boiling, leading to the dissolution of the small heads and along with it loss of the aroma of broccoli. It should be boiled 3-5 minutes and then it losses about 35 % of glukosinolates (broccoli ingredients that destroy carcinogens and increase the production of anti-toxic enzymes). Broccoli is best to consume fresh, first sprinkling with lemon juice, then spiced and mixed with other vegetables. It is tasty and retains precious ingredients if you only blanched (keep the head 1 minute in boiling salted water and stems for 2 minutes). Only buy green and fresh broccoli and always sprinkles it with lemon, not vinegar. Broccoli for breakfast, lunch and dinner Boil, using steam, 4 twigs broccoli until soften and cut into strips. Boil 4 eggs for 4 minutes, in order to stay soft. Arrange the strips of broccoli in a bowl. Peeled and chopped eggs put in the bowl and sprinkle with lemon juice and parsley, and mix together. Garnish with red pepper and olives.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 10:06:20 +0000

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