HOW TO MAKE HIM STAY FAITHFUL TO YOU: . . 1. Stay - TopicsExpress


HOW TO MAKE HIM STAY FAITHFUL TO YOU: . . 1. Stay Affectionate: Even when a man knows how much you love him, he still needs to be reminded every once in a while. Tell him that you care every day (like you mean it). Make sure you communicate affection through your actions as well as your words. Just don’t let anger or frustration get the best of you. Relationship stress can take a serious toll on couples, so you and your partner may grow distant, but that shouldn’t stop you from cuddling and saying “I love you” often. However challenging life gets, never withhold affection. Your man could start seeking it elsewhere! . 2. Respect Him Always: It’s easy to boss men around or talk to them like they’re children. After all, quite a few of them have a serious maturity problem. To make matters worse, after men make so many mistakes, women often feel as if they’ve lost control in their relationships. That’s when something absolutely needs to be done. It’s easy to lose respect and get mean rather than work to solve the issue. More often than not, the man already knows what he’s done wrong, and he probably feels guilty. That’s no excuse to treat him like a 4-year-old. When he messes up big- time, try concentrating on why you love him. . 3. Give Him Space Every man needs time to enjoy his hobbies, hang out with friends, and do his own thing – whatever that may be. If you’re around your boyfriend or husband during all of your free time, he will feel s mothered. You might even annoy him so much that he considers bailing. Don’t let jealousy or insecurity get in the way of a successful relationship. Give the man some time to himself! This tip is actually a two-for- one bonus because you’ll have the opportunity to spend time on yourself too. If you spent all of your free time finding love (a.k.a. dating) before your current relationship, that’s fine, but now it’s time to find a hobby. You could try writing, kick-boxing, photography, traveling, or theater. . 4. Keep Him on His...
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:35:06 +0000

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