HOW Wall Street, Crown Council US Section is liquidating their US - TopicsExpress


HOW Wall Street, Crown Council US Section is liquidating their US as mini-Ice Age loom Example with IBM, in effect what IBM has been doing is liquidating itself - distributing the actual underlying value of the firm to shareholders (via dividends) and to executives (via options), and replacing it with debt. Its precisely what many American households did prior to the 2008 crash, by borrowing against the value of their homes and using it to splurge on vacations, boats and RVs. The stocks climbs by the staircase but will fall down by the elevator shaft very soon. Now the Fed is launching Stealth Quantitative Easing through Tokyo, Currency Reset & New Gold Standard Imminent! Simply put, QE can never be halted or even slowed. The USFed is in a corner, with no policy options, FACING COLLAPSE, with no ability whatsoever to halt the systemic failure in progress. The US Dollar is fast losing its integrity, during a dangerous global rejection episode. Therefore, QE must be exported, the easy candidate Japan. Call it Operation Tokyo Twist. The King Dollar is in the final death throes, and the entire world knows it. When the new Scheiss Dollar arrives, the wake up call comes. Its painful devaluations will bring price inflation, supply shortage, social disorder, and shock to the gutted nation. The Tokyo Twist will be the song on the FOREX dance floor where all the gals (fiat currencies) are ugly, in a desperate contest to be the least ugly. The new BRICS gold & silver backed currency is at an advance stage in the design rooms, soon to see actual implementation. The Gold Standard is to be re-installed, euphemistically called the Currency Reset. History is on the verge of being made. https://youtube/watch?v=YWdC2SEExYs
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 23:26:51 +0000

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