HYPOTHYROID AND WEIGHT ISSUES ?? THE THYROID GLAND MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING NUTRIENTS TO FUNCTION = see list!! Like every cell and organ in our bodies, the thyroid requires specific vitamins and minerals to carry out everyday functions. Though there are several nutrients the thyroid uses, I’ll highlight those that research shows to be most crucial. We’ve evolved to extract these micronutrients from the foods we eat (see the chart below for foods you can eat to obtain these nutrients). I encourage you to learn more about your individual needs Please !!!!!! If you think you may have a thyroid imbalance, it’s a good idea to see a healthcare practitioner to request a full thyroid hormone panel GET TESTED !! IODINE (I). Your thyroid simply can’t function without this crucial trace element, and if you are iodine-deficient, higher iodine intake could make all the difference for your thyroid. According to a 2012 CDC report, women of childbearing age (20-39) in the US had the lowest urine iodine levels ...next to postmenopausal women 2nd ..If you are deficient in iodine, the thyroid just doesn’t have the most basic building-blocks to make its key hormones, all the tissues in the body are negatively impacted SELENIUM (Se). is another indispensable element to healthy thyroid function. An array of selenium-based proteins and enzymes help to do several things: they regulate thyroid hormone synthesis and metabolism; convert T4 into the more accessible form of thyroid hormone, T3; and maintain just the right amount of thyroid hormones in the blood and tissues, including the liver, kidneys, and thyroid gland, as well as the brain. Selenium-containing enzymes also function in a protective “detox” capacity, preserving the integrity of the thyroid gland when we’re under all kinds of stress — oxidative, chemical, even social stress! Selenium also helps the body to more efficiently recycle its iodine stores, ZINC (Zn) +IRON (Fe), and COPPER (Cu). People with hypothyroidism more prone to developing high cholesterol and heart problems !! LIST OF WHOLE FOODS THAT SUPPORT THYROID FUNCTION ==This LIST provides whole food sources of the vitamins and minerals discussed in this article. There is a wide variety to choose from, so treat your thyroid to a good meal! IODINE=Primary sources: sea vegetables (kelp, dulse, hijiki, nori, arame, wakame, kombu) and seafood (clams, shrimp, haddock, salmon, sardines), asparagus, lima beans, mushrooms, spinach, sesame seeds, summer squash, Swiss chard, garlic SELENIUM = Brazil nuts, tuna, walnuts, mushrooms, halibut, soybeans, sunflower seeds and chard ZINC =sardines, split peas, whole grains, sunflower seeds, pecans, Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, ginger root, maple syrup COPPER= oysters, wild varieties and shiitake mushrooms, dark chocolate, crabmeat, tomato paste, pearled barley, nuts, beans (soybeans, white beans, chickpeas), sunflower seeds IRON = Kale, collards,soybeans, pumpkin seeds, white beans, blackstrap molasses, lentils, spinach, VITAMIN A (beta-carotene form) Kale, sweet potatoes, carrots, winter squash/pumpkin, spinach, cantaloupe, broccoli, asparagus,lettuce VITAMIN C = Guava, peppers (chili, Bell, sweet), kiwifruit, citrus, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, papaya, parsley, greens (kale, turnip, collard, mustard) Vitamin E =Whole grains, almonds, soybeans and other beans, sunflower seeds, leafy green vegetables, asparagus VITAMIN B2 (riboflavin) Brewer’s yeast, almonds, wheat germ, wild rice, mushrooms, VITAMIN B3 (niacin) Brewer’s yeast, rice bran, wheat bran, peanuts ( with skin), mushrooms VITAMIN B6 (pyroxidine) Brewer’s yeast, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, fish (tuna, salmon, trout), beans (soybeans, lentils, lima beans, navy beans, garbanzos, pinto beans), walnuts, brown rice, bananas BEWARE OF GLUTEN! There is one food I do strongly recommend avoiding if you have a thyroid condition: gluten. A distinct connection between celiac disease, gluten intolerance, and autoimmune thyroid issues has been observed, and many of my patients find that when they remove gluten-containing foods, they feel much better and notice fewer problems with their thyroid.LOVE TO YOU XOXOXO
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 04:35:45 +0000

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