Habonim Dror Southern Africa is currently providing information, - TopicsExpress


Habonim Dror Southern Africa is currently providing information, background, facts, figures, context and history in their campaign for a 2-state solution to the Israeli / Palestinian conflict; calling it Project 242 (“two for two”: 2 states for 2 nations). However, I think it’s time for some perspective on this issue. Not to prove a point or settle a score, but to share an intellectually honest and spiritually authentic point of view; another side to this whole story entirely. The most troubling part of Habonim’s Project 242 is the theoretical and hypothetical nature of the campaign: emotionally charged, passion-infused, heartstring-tugging – yet as useless as a plank of wood in a desert. Armed with all the facts and figures; all the statistics and consensus; all the rallying and campaigning – to what end? What will ever come of it? Nothing. As unjust as it seems, as unfair as it looks and as sad as it sounds, the Israeli / Palestinian issue is likely to continue on for many years in its current format. No one knows how or why or what or when for that matter, but mark my words: no matter what Habonim says or does, by the time the 67th anniversary of the State of Israel comes along, the Palestinian situation will be much of the same and so on and so forth. Sad but true. If you’re in the middle of a strongly-worded comment in the box below, or some curse-rhetoric rehearsal to be hurled in my direction, I ask you to stop for a moment and consider this… just for a moment. Answer this one simple question: Who runs Israel? Who is looking after the affairs of Israel? Who is really pulling the strings in the geographical space and dimension we call ‘Israel’? The left swear it’s the Israeli Government and that they’re doing a pretty rubbish job of it because millions of Palestinians are still suffering. The right swear it’s the Israeli Government and that they’re doing a pretty rubbish job of it because they’re not being tough enough on the Palestinians. But allow me to enlighten you. Not in an evangelical preacher kind of way, but in a deep, genuine and true way. A way that makes the most logical, reasonable and soul-touching sense to me. Do you know who really runs Israel? God. God runs Israel. God, or ‘Hashem (The Name) runs Israel. The Creator of the Universe, the Holy One Blessed be He, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob and even the God of Jesus and the God of Mohammed. The God of me and the God of you and the God of everything and everyone, runs Israel. One God. The God. The God whose Energy makes us feel connected to beautiful sunsets and beautiful people. The God whose Energy makes us fall in love with life and with each other. The God whose Energy fuels passionate art and music, architecture and science, astronomy and maths. The God of Infinite Complexities. That God runs Israel. While secular protagonists and enlightened thinkers laugh away any ‘religious argument’ in what seems to be a clear cut legal and international case; and what cannot be denied as the actual situation on the ground despite issues of Faith to the contrary, we learn our reality from the Book of Reality. In the Torah portion of Eikev (Deuteronomy 11:12), we read: “A land over which the Almighty your God discusses at length; the eyes of Almighty your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the end of year.” The Eyes of the Almighty your God are on ‘it’ – the Land of Israel - ALWAYS. Whether upon it there exists a Roman Empire, an Ottoman Empire, a British Empire or even a State of Israel; God’s eyes are never closed. Not one minister in the Government of the State of Israel, not one street sweeper, not one dog, not one fly; breathes let alone moves, without the complete Knowledge and Guardianship of God Almighty. It certainly doesn’t mean that the folk on the ground don’t have free choice, but God is watching. God is always watching… I know this for a FACT. Because it is impossible to explain Israel any other way. To convert an uninhabitable swampland into a global hub of innovation at the forefront of human evolution, in just a few decades, is not humanly possible without God. The only possible explanation is God’s absolute and Divine Instruction and Control which continues to flow unabated. This is not just any land were talking about, this is The Land. The one and only Holy Land of Israel – irrespective of what government is in existence on it now. I have been told many times that in the eyes of the international community and well-respected global thinkers, no “religious argument” would ever stand. And that is probably correct. But guess what? It’s God’s Land and God doesn’t give a proverbial damn what these ‘well-respected’ thinkers think. God only cares about the state of Israel and now the State of Israel; about the Land of Israel; about the Nation of Israel and those who support and uphold her values in this world; about the Torah of Israel which must ultimately be allowed to flourish and open and advance and grow and evolve within the context of Israel, wherefrom it emanates and wherefrom it will ultimately bring Redemption. So, dear Habonim, you can write whatever you want and display visually-pleasing infographics and fancy animated-text videos about what you think should or should not happen with Israel. But guess what? You don’t get to decide. God does.
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 18:22:48 +0000

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