Had some follow up questions regarding anxiety on an insurance - TopicsExpress


Had some follow up questions regarding anxiety on an insurance application for long term disability for benefits at work: A rough estimate (date) of your last symptoms of anxiety: No idea – not sure what the symptoms even are, so I did a a web md search: • Feelings of panic, fear, and uneasiness – Yes. I’m a husband and a father of a 9 & 10 yr old. My daughter wore lipstick to school today. I worry about boys looking at her. I worry that she got her period this year and now she can “officially” get pregnant. I worry that she has little boobies and talks back. I worry that my son’s clothes fit him yesterday but don’t today because he grows so fast. I worry my kids don’t always finish their homework and when they get in trouble at school. I worry when I coach little league that if a child gets hurt on my watch that they’re ok. 2 nights ago I worried about the weather because I heard thunder and my rule book states we should call the game. I worry that I make sure I follow the rules of baseball and that I’m a good example for the kids I coach. I worry about my wife. My wife is a Surgical ICU nurse. The stuff she sees on a daily basis is horrific and would put most people in a mental hospital. I worry every day that she won’t come home because of what she sees at work – violence, the after effects of a bad car accident, lack of security at the hospital, worrying about someone coming in to finish off a patient that may have survived a shooting. I worry that she makes good notes and doesn’t forget anything so that she doesn’t get sued for malpractice at work. I worry that she has to take hospital sponsored self defense and evasive maneuvers classes in case a patient’s family attacks her. I worry about my kids. I worry every single time they ride their bikes that some idiot might hit them with their car. I worry that they look both ways. I worry when they go to school. I worry like every parent does that a Sandy Hook might happen at their grammar school because my town is too cheap and hire Navy SEALS to guard the doors of school. I worry that my kids make good decisions. I worry if the idiot in front of me texting and driving or if the lady today putting on make up was going to kill me or someone else and if my kids are gong to grow up without a father. I worry that if I died, that my family has enough life insurance to pay off the house, college and if my wife would remarry. I hope she would; I’d want her to be happy and my kids to have a father figure if I’m not here. I worry about what I’m going to have for dinner. I worry if my dinner if going to agree with me. I worry if my kids are going to like what I cook. I worry if my dog is really okay – a few days ago he ate an entire cake and yesterday he ate a UPS package – the box and all. I’m still not sure what was in that box… I worry what my dog is dreaming about when he screams in his sleep. I worry what the hell my kids are talking about in their sleep when I’m trying to relax and watch the Yankees when I have 5 minutes of piece and quiet before I pass out after a long day. I worry what will happen if I wake my daughter up when she sleep walks – the movie Step Brothers says not to do that… I worry when my kids get sick if they’re gong to be ok. I worry about getting cancer or having a heart attack or hit in the head by a horrible golfer on the golf course. • Uncontrollable, obsessive thoughts – No. • Repeated thoughts or flashbacks of traumatic experiences – No. • Nightmares – Yes. I had a dream last night that I had a piece of pizza stuck in my lung. I did eat Pepe’s pizza the night before so maybe that’s why I had this dream. The pizza was delicious. My wife thought that was funny. • Ritualistic behaviors, such as repeated hand washing. No, but I wash my hands when I go to the bathroom and I knock the sand off my spikes when I golf when I get out of the bunker. I just don’t like the feeling for my next shot. • Problems sleeping – Yes. Especially when my neighbor’s kid drives by with bass pumping so high that it sounds like a helicopter is landing on my house. • Cold or sweaty hands and/or feet. Yes, sure do. My hands get really cold in the winter when it’s -5 degrees F and really hot in the summer when it’s 90 degrees F and 90% humidity. And especially when I play golf or swing a baseball bat in the cage. Sometimes, my hands get so sweaty I need to dry them on my pants before I swing, but other than that, they don’t get hot or cold. • Shortness of breath – only when I run from the police. • Palpitations – I love my wife, even tho we’ve been married 11+ years, she still gives me butterflies. Does that count? • An inability to be still and calm – I use to get in trouble in Catholic school as a kid because the teachers use to say “he has too much nervous energy and can’t sit still”. I also talk with my hands and like to walk around when I speak. • Dry mouth – only when I talk and give speeches, but usually there’s a water bottle or two well within reach. • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet – only when I sit on the toilet too long because I’m checking Facebook. The other day, I thought I was going to have to Army crawl out of the bathroom and swore I walked with a limp for a few minutes after I did my business. • Nausea – only when I get sick but I blame my kids. They’re ridiculous and have no manners. They’ll sneeze right in your face. I’m pretty sure my immune system is rather strong, but once in a while I’ll yarf because they give me some strain of some bug some little puke at their school gave them. • Muscle tension – only when I work out, but I’m pretty sure that’s the point of working out. • Dizziness – Not really, unless I do dizzy bat races, but I haven’t done those since college.
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 19:37:51 +0000

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