Had to call 111 for Oliver earlier because his bowel problem is - TopicsExpress


Had to call 111 for Oliver earlier because his bowel problem is causing him so much pain that he cant bear it. He has also turned yellow in the last couple of hours and his abdomen has gone rock hard. After asking loads of detailed questions, they sent paramedics who were here in under 5 minutes. They have taken him to hospital. I was upstairs when the 3 of them arrived. I was still changing out of the dress Oli vomited on. They asked for me by name and Paul just said oh, shes upstairs, putting some clothes on, like I only get up at 6 pm on a Sunday!! Not, shes just been puked on again, been comforting the child all weekend whilst trying to work on charity orders and look after all 3 kids alone cos her husband went off to work and lark about with his mates with next to no notice when it was meant to be a special day with the kids for their birthdays, and also scrubbing the sick and poop off everything for the last hour!! Paul didnt want me to even call a doctor, but decided he wanted to be the one go with Oli in the end when the paramedic said right Dad. You coming then. Leave mum here with the little ones?. Where was he when I was shouting for him and the little ones were trying to find him, whilst I was scrubbing vomit off the side of the bunk beds, the window sill and carpet all while trying to comfort a frightened colicky 9 year old doubled over screaming in pain?? Asleep on the sofa with the TV volume up full on some sports programme. Thats where. Priceless ;-) Grrrrr Im sure its a continuation of Olis ongoing bowel issue, which is due further investigation from paediatrics anyway, but its the fact that he cant cope with the pain at the moment and its making him sick and he cant eat it keep fluids down. He needs more than paracetamol. If he has nurofen, it makes him even more sick and vomiting causes more spasms in an already painful muscle system. Paramedics say docs will be able to give him something stronger to sort it. It must be bad because Oli detests the docs and hospital. Usually he refuses and battles against going. Today he was begging me. When paramedics asked what he wanted to do, stay at home and put up with it and see if an on call doc could see him tonight or go to hospital and wait, he chose to go to hospital. He didnt even know hed go in an ambulance! Hope my biggest boy is ok and free from pain soon. Having Coeliac disease myself, I know how vicious colic pain is x xx xx to you my Lol Lol (its what I call Oliver).
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 17:55:43 +0000

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