Had to copy and share this !!! Obama care IS and always was - TopicsExpress


Had to copy and share this !!! Obama care IS and always was REDISTRIBUTION OF WHAT IS YOURS... example............................. now.............the under 10,000 poverty level STILL DO NOT HAVE INSURANCE, the ILLEGAL UNDOCUMENTED STILL HAVE GOVT TAKING CARE OF THEM AND TOO ARE EXEMPT................. Congress and the lawmakers and UNION THUGS are EXEMPT................. now......you just called your insurance company.. you have been DROPPED .......wait for your letter..if you do not have it yet, it is coming. Now...NOW....................you can call and register and pick a company or pay a huge fine. Remember............you NO LONGER HAVE ANY MEDICAL INSURANCE and no matter what................you cannot go to the doctor now.................you call and pick the cheapest and it is.....................$650.00 per month EVERY MONTH and your deductible is $12,500.00 . SO no matter how sick, no matter if you need antibiotics............ no matter if you need your cancer treatment or heart meds....................... you will have to come up with cash because you have to pay $20,300 out in CASH ..BEFORE YOUR NEW OBAMACARE INSURANCE kicks in. Now, the plan is that you get angry at that mean old insurance company because they are getting all that money but remember before Obama care... that mean old company did not do this. They are being forced. Of course, it would be cheaper to pay the fine ( give your fine to Obama please) and use the rest of the cash you do not have to pay a doctor to treat you or your children. REMEMBER>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. if you have not received your letter yet.... you will.. Also..... may want to call your specialist or your parents specialists............ many are receiving letters from insurance companies like BC/BS and others that they will no longer accept their partnership... So if you have say... BC/BS and go to a cardiologist..................................... you can no longer do that. ( at least ours received that letter)...... You must be proactive for your familiys sake. Call and find out... Currently Tricare and Indians who are covered under the Indiana Health Care plan still are not affected but the other shoe drops in 2014....................it will be much worse. wait..............you can barely pay the rent/mortage, food, gas as it is? Your hours have been cut? You do not have an extra $23,500 a year to give Obama? Lets see..... did you ignore the voter fraud? Do you listen and believe CBS, NBS, MSNBC, ABC, CNN???????????????????????????? Are you still believing the LIES even when the democrats get caught............LIE after LIE.... Do you still not know that communist Valarie Jarret is running the show using George Soros money? Do you still not know that Barry Sorento HATES AMERICA AND AMERICANS and is fulfilling a promise to his father(s)? Guess you do not know that we are in a Spiritual war of good and evil and someone keeps voting and backing the EVIL. Democrats bood my God at their convention and this country said it was OK.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 15:05:41 +0000

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