#Haitians Protest Election Delay Amid UN Visit. 23 January - TopicsExpress


#Haitians Protest Election Delay Amid UN Visit. 23 January 24 Haiti has sworn in a provisional election council just hours before the arrival of members from the United Nations Security Council. It is a key step towards avoiding a further constitutional crisis. But as protests against the Fraudulently Elected President continue, the country is still locked in political crisis. The Evidence Martelly was Fraudulently Elected in 2011. 28 Dec 2014 #Haiti’s Doctored 2010 Presidential Elections, Seen from the Inside: An Interview with Ricardo Seitenfus dissentmagazine.org/online_articles/haitis-doctored-elections-seen-from-the-inside-an-interview-with-ricardo-seitenfus #Haiti - Haitians Protest Against Murderous President Martelly and UN January 23, 2015 - 22nd Operation Burkina Faso Demo in 66 days. AJ #Haiti #UNSC. 23 Jan 2015 https://facebook/video.php?v=916296355055245 Haiti: Operation Burkina Faso - the 5 Demands of the Population 1 - the Resignation Voluntary or Forced of President Martelly Doc 2 - the Unconditional Release of All Political Prisoners. 3 - the Establishment of a Transitional Government. 4 - the Creation of a Credible Electoral Council inspired by article 289 of the Haitian Constitution. 5 - the Organization of General Elections in 2015 ********************************** 12 Dec, 2014 - Demo 7 (UN Filmed Shooting at Peaceful crowds) #Haiti - UN try to Save Martelly by Killing Peaceful Protesters Revolution News - 2,423,908 views worldwide! See Demands below.. https://facebook/video.php?v=422018971285004 ********************************** #Haiti - “The international community’s [support of Martelly] is in fact the catalyst for the chaos we are in,” International Leaders Battle Perception of Bias in Haiti. 23 Jan 2015 A day before the Jan. 12 deadline, the U.S. Embassy released a statement indicating the U.S. would work with Martelly even if he ruled by decree. Hours before the legislative branch shut down, U.S. Ambassador Pamela White appeared in Parliament. Many saw that as interference in favor of Martelly and encouraged opposition senators not to show up, expediting the collapse of Parliament. “The international community’s [support of Martelly] is in fact the catalyst for the chaos we are in,” said Volcy Assad, an opposition activist who has been at the forefront of organizing the protests. He rejected a suggestion that Martelly’s ouster would further destabilize the country. “They just talk about chaos in order to intimidate us,” he said. ‘It is not an international community. It is a group of international colonizers. They put Martelly in power, and they would support him with their eyes closed. ~ Nixon Boumba, organizer, Mouvman Demokratik Popilè america.aljazeera/articles/2015/1/23/international-community-battles-perception-of-bias-in-haiti.html ******************************************** 12 Dec, 2014 - Demo 7 (UN Filmed Shooting at Peaceful crowds) #Haiti - UN try to Save Martelly by Killing Peaceful Protesters Revolution News - 2,423,908 views worldwide! See Demands below.. https://facebook/video.php?v=422018971285004 ********************************* #Haiti President - US Puppet to Serve Wall Street and Finance Interests’. January 19, 2015 - bit.ly/1CsW8ca #Lavalas #Haiti #Haiti - Why Were UN Soldiers Shooting at Several Thousand Peaceful Protesters.on 12 December 2015. via Avokapepla Yesterday, Stéphane [Dujarric] was asked about the status of an investigation by the UN Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). I can tell you that MINUSTAH confirms that the investigation has been completed and the report is now being reviewed by the Mission’s leadership. Appropriate actions have been taken on the initial recommendations for improvements in compliance with established operational procedures. At the same time, the concerned individuals have been suspended from operational duty and the Member State concerned has been informed about the investigation....innercitypress/haiti1unsctrip012315.html #Haiti - Stop Cheerleading for Martelly - Listen to the 85%. 21 Jan 2015 U.S. and U.N. diplomats must be honest brokers to resolve Haiti’s political crisis instead of cheerleaders for Fraudulently Elected President Martelly hrld.us/1GyfmDD WHAT THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS NOT SHOWING! Haiti - Victims of the Demonstration 13 Dec 14 Police are Killing the People a protesters screams One man has been killed and many others injured https://facebook/video.php?v=890763347608546 Campaign to End the Occupation of Haiti https://facebook/campaigntoendtheoccupationofhaiti The US installed Haitian Government Rapes Its Own People... Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (Republican). Wash. D.C. https://facebook/video.php?v=831293013570793&set=vb.100000703065297&type=2&theater Haiti: Relief and Reconstruction Watch Toronto Haiti Action Committee Canada Haiti Action Network (CHAN) Haitians United against the Bahamas Discrimination Law Reparations for Haiti 2 - The Price of Memory Haiti Support Group UK Jean-Bertrand Aristide - Haitis 1st Democratically Elected President Fanmi Lavalas - Organisation Politique Fanmi Lavalas Kodinasyon Depatmantal Lwes Fanmi Lavalas. Aristide Foundation for Democracy
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 19:29:20 +0000

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