Happiness… We all want it. We wish it for those we love. - TopicsExpress


Happiness… We all want it. We wish it for those we love. Many believe it is the entire goal of life. We think if I can just get “there”…If I can get the right job, fall in love, get married, have babies, lose weight, fix my relationships, travel the world, write my first book. Then….then I will be happy. Part of the problem with happiness is that so often we base it on things outside ourselves, which we have no control over. So when happiness comes, we desperately serenade it to stay and inevitably grieve it when it goes. What if we could be elated and fully enjoy the moments and honor happiness for what it is while remaining ever so grateful for pain, for struggle, and anxiety. We are so opposed to even the thought of those words and the weight of what they bring. But look deeper…what do they bring? They bring strength. They usher in perseverance. They create re-focus, new beginnings. They ooze of perspective, of clarity, of empowerment. Confidence is born. Gratitude is multiplied. A humble spirit leads the broken and mended heart. Ultimately, these words cultivate growth, purpose and a desire for deeper living, honest, real connections and an acute reliance on the love from God and people. Being creative, introspective, and deep thinking typically - most days my soul rests comfortably in the land of contentment and peace. Happiness is euphoric and it comes and dances in moments and smiles and memories and I am grateful for it. I dance right along with the song, just like everyone else. But, I am also thankful to be gaining an appreciation for the more taxing of life’s experiences and the words that represent them, also for the understanding that what I feel today is completely up to me.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:01:45 +0000

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