Happy 2 years Retirement at BEES Mae Jumpee!!!!!!! Yesterday - TopicsExpress


Happy 2 years Retirement at BEES Mae Jumpee!!!!!!! Yesterday 16th August marked the day our darling old lady Mae Jumpee was free from work and retired in her natural home to live and just BE an elephant at BEES two years ago!! Mae Jumpee gave us all a scare back in May, she got a gastro/intestinal blockage that caused her great discomfort and she was unable to defecate and went off food. She grew weak very quickly and we had to call out the vets from TECC to help her, after assessing her onsite and giving IV Fluids, anti bloat and metabolism stimulators, we could see she was still fading quickly and loosing strength fast. She was trucked to the Thai Elephant Conservation Center hospital in Lampang were she received further treatment and were vets were able to successfully help her pass the blockage and waited patiently for it to be within arms reach to remove it for her. After Mae Jumpee was given the all clear and returned home she was very quiet and it took a little while to get back into her normal eating and defecating routine. She is now a lot better but age is really starting show with her as she has slowed right down and isnt as strong as she used to be. Currently she is doing very well and many people are surprised by her age because she looks so good. She has a couple little cuts and grazes that we are keeping clean, with rains her skin is moist and tears easier then normal. She is always getting tears in her old delicate skin and with the moisture from rainy season and lots of nasty blood sucking insects and egg laying flies we must keep any cuts and grazes clean and dry. Most people think elephants skin is very tough but an elephants skin can tear very easily when they are scratching and exfoliating on tree stumps, rocks and rough surfaces and also whilst eating bamboo, anything in the environment that is sharp or rough can easily tear their skin. They suffer terribly in rainy season from insect bites and tiny little flies and mites that love to live and feed inside the ears making their ears very itchy and sensitive. We use fly repellent powders in antibiotic and antimicrobial creams and Gentian Violet purple antiseptic/antifungal dye to keep cuts and grazes clean, dry and bug free! So when you see an elephant with purple spots your not crazy its just to help their sensitive skin to heal. :-) We are so proud of our darling old lady, she is a sweet, gentle and loving Lady. We celebrated Mae Jumpees special day by making a banana tree cake stacked with pumpkin, sugarcane and banana! It was laid out nicely and waiting for her as a surprise when she returned from the forest. Cheeky Mae Kam caught a wiff of all the fruity goodness and rushed to Mae Jumpees surprise cake and sniffed it for a moment and then starting picking the juiciest bits. When she heard Mae Jumpee coming she stopped and turned her head to look over her shoulder and looked as though she smiled at Mae Jumpee as if to say Dont mind me munching on your treats. Mae Jumpee slowly came up behind Mae Kam and looked as though she was smiling with delight not bothered her friend was eating her surprise cake, she is used to Mae Kam stealing treats. Burm grabbed some yummy chopped pumpkins and walked over to Mae Jumpee to wish her a Happy two years at BEES and told her we all loved her very much. He also said sorry Mae Kam got your cake first, Mae Jumpee walked up beside Mae Kam and rubbed her belly against her almost as if to say no worries. Then we enjoyed watching them both eating up all the yummy pumpkin, banana and sugarcane. Side by side like a granddaughter and little nanny enjoying a picnic. Its so beautiful to watch these two girls together and how they have bonded. Mae Kam loves to spend every moment by Mae Jumpees side. Happy two years at BEES Mae Jumpee!!! We
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 09:00:22 +0000

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