Happy Birthday to one of the greatest directors of the gothic and - TopicsExpress


Happy Birthday to one of the greatest directors of the gothic and macabre working today, Tim Burton! God, I dont know where to start! He is the director that shaped my childhood and outlook on films and art in general. Like I said in a previous post like two months ago, his version of Batman from 1989 is the film that first turned me on to the macabre and horrific, and has since become my favorite movie of all time! From there, watching his slew of classics, Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Ed Wood from childhood to my teenage years, among others, I realized that this guy was a filmmaker like no other! The darkness, the unique quirky sense of humor, the fantasy, the emphasis on the loner (something I can relate to), etc. Most of the time, for me, these elements just blend so well together to create, for lack of a better term, works of art! Sure, some can imitate his visuals, camera angles, character traits, etc., but there really is only one Tim Burton. True, hes had his share of blunders. But, if I may quote one of my favorite comedians, Doug Walker, Critic, this is how artists work. Sure Ill make a lot of crap. But for every Dark Shadows, theres an Ed Wood. For every Planet of the Apes, theres a Beetlejuice. Hes going to have his successes and failures, like every artist has had and will have. And the fact that so many people like him and hate him makes him even more compelling to me, showing that he doesnt move to the beat of everyone elses drum, only his own. If he just made stuff that was pleasing to everybody, he wouldnt be as talked as much. So, in that regard, Im thankful for him following his own interests in life. Below is one of Tims earlier films, and my second favorite of his! Its called Vincent, about a boy who wants to be like Vincent Price. Its very autobiographical, it contains all the tropes that hes known for, and he did it for the most part by himself. Yes, he did have help from Rick Heinrichs and Stephen Chiodo, not to mention Vincent Price. However, this is the work that I think is his most pure, his most personal, and his most inspiring! So watch it to celebrate an unusual/strange artist that is definitely worth discussion, be it positive or negative! Happy B-Day Timmy!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 04:07:50 +0000

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