Happy Monday! Compound moves help you work more than one muscle at - TopicsExpress


Happy Monday! Compound moves help you work more than one muscle at once. 1. Side Plank Press. Raise up your hips, contract your abs so that you have a straight line from your head to your feet (no curves). To kick it up: stack feet on top of each other, or raise top leg. To dial it down: cross top leg in front of other so that both feet or on the ground (like I have in the video) or drop the knee of the bottom leg. Works: obliques/waist, stomach, shoulders and biceps (a little). 2. Bird Dog Tricep Extension. Make sure you press your belly button to your spine to ensure that your back stays flat and does not arch down. Shoulders directly over wrist. Hips directly over knees. Make sure elbow stays in place as you extend free weight back. Extend opposite leg only high enough so that your back stays flat. Concentrate on keeping back flat and not rolling to the side or opening chest. Works: Triceps, stomach, back, shoulders, butt
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 15:24:27 +0000

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