Happy November my dear friends and family who I consider - TopicsExpress


Happy November my dear friends and family who I consider friends: Wow – November! Another year passing way too quickly. This year I have watched babies being born (such joy), friends passing (such sadness), weddings, graduations, illnesses, new friendships kindling, old friendships dissolved, loss of personal relationships and wonderful new friendships. Most unexpectedly, realizing that some people I didn’t give the proper chance to, mean more to me than a lot of other folks. By now, you know why I write to you at this specific time of year, each and every year (unless you are new to my list – I will explain later). On Thursday, December 4th, The Friends For Children, will be holding our Annual Signature Fundraiser, The Friends For Chikdren Holiday Party. This event runs from 6 – 9:30 pm at the Phillips Old Colony House in Dorchester. Tickets are a mere $25.00 per person. More is always welcome. There are fabulous raffle items available for sale that night – that’s one of the most exciting parts of our evening! There will be lots of food and great entertainment. If your schedule permits, I would be incredibly honored if you were able to join us. Even if you don’t have time to attend, please consider donating anyways, every cent goes to help very important child advocacy groups. Many in my own neighborhood: The Boston City Singers (a children’s choir that receive their direction from Peabody Alum, Joshua DeWitte and Wendy Silverberg; The Children’s Trust Fund, the amazing Center for Families and Baby U all through our charity and,especially close to my heart, The Fitzgerald Community School Program, which helps more children on a daily basis than I could ever imagine possible. I am so grateful to know that many spectacular advocates we fund are from my own community, It has been a tough few months. I have a serious injury. We’ve lost people. Life has changed once again forever. We’ll be fine in the end, but it has made me come to realize how difficult things can be for so many parents and caregivers. I am one of the lucky ones, I have a terrific partner in my husband Neil, who does everything he can to make our family better; my children are healthy and happy. We are still blessed with the presence of my mother and my mother in law. We have a nice home, places to visit in the summer and not much beyond the average to worry about. My life growing up was the opposite. Only a few steady, strong people were there to help us. We had no money and our time away in the summer was a HUGE luxury. My parents weren’t happy together, my siblings were not in ideal health and every day was a struggle. We lost someone very important to us recently. He was a man who stood for so much. Living in his Community for the week after he passed was a gift. Although I was fortunate enough to have him as part of my life for almost twenty years, it was this summer that made us especially close. His move from this life was overwhelming. The loss of him in the Community that he lived in will never, ever be the same. I walk away, better for having him in my life and grateful for how he touched my family in big and small ways. As you probably know, this amazing charity was formed in honor of my sister Michelle and my brother Andrew. I am honored to serve as an officer on the Board of Directors. Every day, we try to honor them as best we can. We give what we can. I am beyond grateful to New England Pediatrics for taking such good care of them in their final years and to the Tufts Floating Medical Center for making them as comfortable as possible. Losing siblings is one of the hardest things I have ever endured. Without the support of so many people, my mother and I would not have survived. My deepest regret is one I cannot change; I wish my children met my sister and brother. We keep them alive in our hearts and therefore theirs. I hope it sticks. They were a true gift. Thank you to all of our angels. We will never forget how you helped us We try to remember to be kind, charitable and give everyone a break. We’ve heard the quote that says those who smile are probably struggling with the worst battles. That was us. Mostly, we hope the Friends for Children can continue to help all the children we do. Our mission is to help children who are victims of neglect, abuse, poverty and disease. As I’m sure you can imagine, this is no small feat. We need your help. Please try to join us on December 4th. I look forward to spending time with you, buying you a drink and catching up. If you cannot attend, your help is deeply appreciated. Please do not feel any obligation. I simply must reach out where I can. If you decide that you can help, please send any contribution, made out to: The Friends For Children c/o NicoleSullivan 24 Antrim Street Cambridge, MA 02139 Thank you for anything and everything you can do. I am humbled by your friendship. Much love, Nicole
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 04:04:40 +0000

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