Happy Saturday everyone. Hope you are blessed this morning - TopicsExpress


Happy Saturday everyone. Hope you are blessed this morning –Thank The Almighty God for a brand new day. This is the day the Lord has made and we as Children of The Almighty God should be glad in it, Amen. In the mood of the 40 days fasting and praying, let us pray for the restoration of all assets----land, to some property/properties, loans, deposits, or even for some investment that we have to creditors and fraudsters in Jesus Name, Amen- Reference 2 Kings 8:5-6; Joel 2:25-27. People are under a false belief that their children will be punished for the sins they have committed and still carry on doing what is wrong knowing at the back of the head they are living in lies even though they have been justified of doing that wrong and still go on believing that their children will bear the cost and drag other innocent people to believe that this is the case-Hmmm!. Well very interesting because this might help, Children are not punished for the sins committed by their parents; neither are parents punished for the sins of their children, AMEN. Each one of us is responsible for our own committed sins, Amen.-Read Ezekiel 18:20-24. In Ezekiel 18:20 clearly states one’s punishment committed by that same person who committed that sin- The soul who sins is the one who will die. The son will not share the guilt of the father, nor will the father share the guilt of the son, Amen. Now that brings this point to explain deep what the bible says about Idolatry and lets all look at Exodus 20:5, where it says clearly, we shall not bow down to them-idols or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me. We can see straight away that The Almighty God is referring to the sin of idolatry. God considered idolatry to be an extremely treacherous betrayal of a sacred trust. Idolaters were traitors to The Almighty God’s theocracy. And we need to be careful on the part of foundation we lay for our children because children raised in such an environment would keep the tradition going and practice similar idolatry, falling into the established pattern of disobedience. The effect of our disobedient could take up wickedness that could be rooted so deeply and can take several generations to reverse this, Amen. The bible states in Proverbs 22:6, train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it, Amen. Children are akin to their parents. A new generation will tend to repeat the sins of their forefathers and so The Almighty God punishing the children is simply another way of saying that the children are repeating the fathers’ sins. The tendency to repeat the mistakes of history is especially strong in an idolatrous culture, style, upbringing and our society .And also this can be seen as a generational curse of collective punishment on the nation, not as a personal curse on individual families, AMEN. So coming back to the prayer point of today, if a man robs a bank, will the Almighty God punish that man’s son, even though the son has nothing to do with the robbery? Absolutely not. However, it is quite possible that the father who robbed the bank is making life more difficult for his son, through the natural consequences of his crime. Also, if the man is training his son in the techniques of bank robbing, then there is a good chance the son will follow the same path of dishonesty. In that case, the sin is copied by the son, and the punishment for the sin follows- hope this is stated clearly and if not join a bible studying group today! As stated in Ezekiel 18:20 that states and needs to draw attention to, each of us is responsible for our own sins, and we must bear the punishment for them, Amen- We cannot escape it. We cannot share our guilt with another, nor can another be held responsible for our transgressions, Amen. There is, however, one exception to this rule, and it applies to everyone. One man bore the sins of others and paid the penalty for them so sinners could become completely righteous and pure in the sight of God and that man is Jesus Christ, who came into the world to exchange His perfection for our sin, Amen. The Almighty God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him, we might become the righteousness of God mighty, AMEN- Read 2 Corinthians 5:21. Jesus was punished for us. Have you committed an unspeakable act, or have you been justified of a sin and you are still fighting to come out openly with it and still living in the lies and dragging others into that sinful act, are you part of that lie or a victim of idolatry – worshipping the idol? Today should be a turning point for you Amen. Check your surroundings, look around you and say to yourself, Oh Lord open my eyes to what I cannot see and let me hear from you today. Lead me through the part of righteousness for the heart longs to serve You alone. I pray today that we don’t fall short of the Glory of God and whatever is stopping us from letting us have rest, our families, The Almighty God will surely remove it from our midst, in Jesus Name, Amen. Have a blessed and God fulfilling day in Jesus Name, Amen-Shalom! Bola Osoba for RCCG SLCC!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 10:56:18 +0000

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