Happy Wondrously Winning Wednesday!!! With a wondrously - TopicsExpress


Happy Wondrously Winning Wednesday!!! With a wondrously magnanimous and humble spirit of thanksgiving and praise to Elohim, Almighty God creator of Heaven and Earth for allowing us to see this beautiful, miraculous and absolutely winning day. A day we have not seen. For this is the day that You, have made, Oh God let us rejoice and be glad in it. Thank you Father God, for our daily bread, new benefits, tender mercies and Your amazing grace. For being our Jehovah Jireh, our provider. In our desire to have pure hearts and minds help us to be aware that You are our ever present help in our time of need. Flowers fade and grass withers but Your Holy Word will stand forever and Your Word tells us that You will NEVER forsake us nor leave us. Hallelujah!!! Forgive us of all of our sins and trespasses as we forgive those whove trespassed against us. Cast them into the sea of forgetfulness that extends as far as the east is from the west. Thank you for a fresh anointing of your power and renew our minds, hearts and spirits on this day. Thank you in advance for every opened door, every new opportunity, new jobs, new businesses, new relationships, increased finances, healing, expansion, new levels of spiritual growth, and restorative deliverance we will receive. Thank you for continuing to do GREAT things in our lives. With Your amazing grace we pray that dreams will manifest and promises be fulfilled that will bring you glory. You are such a Great, Mighty and Faithful God, and worthy of ALL the Glory, Honor and Praise. Thank you for being our Everlasting Loving Father and Prince of Peace, for YOU are our EVERYTHING through Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!!! Be wondrously blessed every single moment of this absolutely winning day!!! Love YOU!!!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 09:22:13 +0000

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