Have a read, it really is make your mind up time now. Will leave - TopicsExpress


Have a read, it really is make your mind up time now. Will leave this on here as a last statement to anyone with ears to hear. Have a look at the videos below and wake up to what is happening. There is only one answer and only one protection and refuge .... .Jesus Christ and commitment to live obeying his commands. God bless you all and if you dont truly know Him, make the right decision now .... friends and family, you are all in my prayers, very much so! A synopsis of Chapter 7 of my book, The God Solution. Most people know very little about Bible Prophecy, even though it makes up a THIRD of the Bible! Obviously God wanted us to know all about it! If you are interested have a read ..... if not pass on by. This is for information purposes. What you dont know can get you killed. But at least read it .... knowledge and debate is always better than ignorance and hate! Over the next 10 years, you will be able to tell me Im wrong, if things arent heading this way by 2023. The next three years are critical. 2014, 2015, 2016. There is a good chance that I wont be here by 2023, so its important that people read this and check it out later. By putting out this post, we can look back and check all this out. This day Wednesday 2nd October 2013. Some incredible stuff will happen as predicted in the Bible. Psalm 83 says that all the Arab nations will gather in these days and attack Israel and Israel will again (as in 1949, 1967 and 1973) win the war miraculously. But this time the Arab nations will be totally destroyed. This is going to be the beginning of the end for extreme Islam. It is based on hate and war and God will use Israel to destroy it. I believe this is coming up in the above time frame. The Bible says that Damascus will be razed to the ground in ONE DAY! (Isaiah 17: v 1). Ezekiel Chapter 36 and 37 predicted Israels return to its land, which took place in 1948 after 2000 years of scattering around the world. This has never happened with any other nation before, to keep the national identity, then return from every corner of the earth nearly 2000 years later! Its nothing short of a miracle. Then Ezekiel 37 says that Israel would be greatly blessed after it returns ( it has changed from desert brown to abundant green in the last 65 years - have a look on Google Earth - Israel is now one of the worlds big fruit and flower producers from land that was desert 60 years ago ) Then Chapter 38 and 39 (where we are now heading to .... a place called Har Megiddo, just outside Israel in the plains of Jezreel - the biggest battle in history Armageddon). Also in Daniel it says that knowledge will increase massively in our times and people would travel to and fro rapidly. The last 120 years has been phenomenal, from horse and cart to moon landings. Jesus said in Matthew 24 that (after Israel was back in its land, which happened in 1948), we would see the signs that would indicate we were in the last days before His Second Coming .... wars and rumours of wars, nation against nation .... kingdom against kingdom (World Wars l and ll ), earthquakes and famines in many places .... all these things INCREASING like the birth pangs of a woman. In Luke 21 Jesus spoke about the sign of roaring seas, probably the tsunamis we are witnessing now. The corruption on the earth would grow and grow and the world would hate the Jews, His people. Zechariah 12:3 states that Jerusalem would become a stumbling-block to the nations, a problem they couldnt solve. Thats exactly where we are today. There are more wars now than there have ever been. The Bible predicted all of this in Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, and more - along with Jesus in Matthew 24. Jesus even says that at that time (end of mankinds rule) if God doesnt intervene there would be no people left alive on the earth. What point in history has there ever been a time when everyone in the world could be killed in one blinding flash. You cant kill everyone on the planet with spears and bows and arrows. The answer is only now, today, are we capable. A world government is on the horizon, as the UN morphs into the New World Order that Kissinger and Rockefeller and many others like author H.G. Wells have been planning for the last 60 years. H.G. Wells wrote the book New World Order in 1939 - a blueprint for World Socialism and belonged to the Fabian Society as does Tony Blair. Then there is the soon coming newly formed United States of Europe (President Tony Blair perhaps? He has stated that he wants the job). The USA will no longer be a superpower in the next decade, their economy will crash. Micro chips under the skin instead of credit/identity cards, parents are already doing this with children in the USA to stop kidnapping. Massive surveillance intrusion and no more cash....all gone. An Elite and wealthy group of people ruling the world. A charismatic world leader/ruler will come on the scene, who will make Obama look like Forrest Gump! He will bring world peace for a short time and then all hell will break loose as he endeavours to control the whole world. All this is predicted in Bible prophecy. This is taking place while we are absorbed and tapping away on our technological wonders, ipods and ipads, oblivious to what is going on behind the scenes. We have been put to sleep very effectively. NASA announcement and Bible Prophecy come together: There are indications that the next 3 years - 2014 and 2015 through to 2016 are going to be monumental for Israel, the Arab nations and the World. A peace agreement on the horizon, but it wont last. Jesus said that there would be signs in the sky, with the sun turning to darkness and the moon turning to blood at this time (Luke 21). The moon turns blood red at a lunar eclipse. The sun turning to darkness is obviously a solar eclipse. Well, for only the 7th time since 1 AD, there will be 4 Tetrad Blood moons back to back over Israel on the feasts of Passover and Sukkot in 2014 and 2015 (NASA recent announcement). The blood moons are Lunar eclipses. There will also be two solar eclipses in the middle of them in the Middle East. This is so rare it has only happened 7 times before, in the last 2000 years. When this conjunction of Tetrad blood moons has happened over Israel on their feast days in the past it has always signalled a massive event for Israel. In 1492 the Jews were kicked out of Spain by boat, many of them were thrown overboard to drown. In 1948/49 Israel were given their land back to become a nation again after 2000 years, then immediately attacked by the Arab nations in 1949. Then in 1967 Israel were attacked again, but miraculously won again against overwhelming numbers in the 6 Day War and reclaimed Jerusalem. These were all accompanied by the rarest of events of Tetrad blood moons. Well here they come again in April and September 2014 and April and September 2015!! I believe there will be a peace agreement in the next 9 months. A war is going to take place with the Arab nations/ Syria etc.. attacking Israel. Israel at some point will have to attack Irans nuclear plants, because they have declared they want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Dont believe a lying word from the Ayatollahs latest puppet. Watch for what I said about the Arab nations coming against Israel. Syria is pivotal in the scheme of things, and Damascus is going to be totally wiped out in one day. (Isaiah 17:1).. All doom and gloom? ... No, because the Bible says all those who will give up their pride and stop rebelling against God and living a selfish Me, Me, Me life and turn to Him, asking forgiveness for all the wrongs they have committed, (yes we have ALL done things we are ashamed of unless you are in denial), we WILL be saved out of this mess and destruction that is coming! I have written my book and put it out there, so if people dont want to take my advice in Chapter 6, thats their choice .... free world etc.. Er .... well it isnt free actually, but free choice anyway. It certainly is decision time right now. I have done all I can for family and friends, it will be tin hat time all around the world soon. There will be a new world eventually, but only for non-rebels. People who want to do everything their way and ignore their Maker will not have a share in it. That selfish philosophy has brought this world to the brink of destruction. This old world is going to get trashed by idiotic mankind very soon. This lot might sound like a lot of codswallop. I can assure you that after researching bible prophecy for 30 years and studying what the worlds elite are up to ( even by their own admission - Kissinger has recently admitted in a TV interview that they are forming a New World Order and that Obama is the man who is starting the process - SEE VIDEO BELOW), I can assure you this is deadly serious. Rockefeller has admitted he has the same ambitions as Kissinger for world government domination and depopulation in his autobiography MEMOIRS. Its all out there in the public domain my friends. Facebook has turned into a very false reality and a nice anaesthetic to keep us all occupied and to tell each other how wonderful we all are! Along with TV and many other hypnotic devices. Dont let these evil snake world rulers put you to sleep! amazon.co.uk/The-God-Solution-Are-Ready/dp/1483640299/ref=tmm_pap_title_0
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 00:54:49 +0000

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