Have you ever listened to a song and just loved it for the music - TopicsExpress


Have you ever listened to a song and just loved it for the music or rhythm? Singing it every time it came on ? Without any meaning ? That was this song... and i truely didnt understand why i liked it so much because I always thought it was a boring type of song. But the past few days Ive been spending time with a good friend along with my step daughter in prayer about me. And I know the enemy has been using my mind against me, such ugly negative,hateful thoughts, an ugly war is raging inside me and I was getting tired of it. Ive been praying and asking God to speak to me,fell asleep in what I thought was a one-sided conversation with God. This morning I decided to lay in bed and attempt to worship even tho I still felt alone and this song is what played. For the first time since I first heard this song I understood what the lyrics whole heartedly said. The Voice of Truth is/was always there and I was having a hard time listening ... Im wide awake now (not a morning person )without coffee lol and just laying here in complete awe of the way my beautiful God works. I thank God for using both Charque Nicole Bacon and Gloria Hope Taylor this weekend to open up my eyes n heart to what I really needed to hear The truth
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 14:08:12 +0000

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