Have you ever realized how many people have passed through your - TopicsExpress


Have you ever realized how many people have passed through your life? Have you realized that some people become part of your life for some reason, others for period of time and a some stay your whole life? When someone gets in your life for some reason it is usually to fill a need that you demonstrated. This someone comes to help you in a difficulty, to give to you orientation and support and help physically, emotionally or spiritually. This presence is so important that you believe it is a God’s gift. And it is. Far ahead, someday, in the same way that he/she got in your life, she leaves. She may go through the doors of death or just leave to other places. But your need was fulfilled and that person’s job was done. Your prayers have been answered and now is time to go. On the other hand, there are people who become part of your life for a period of time. It’s a longer period. They bring along the experience of peace and tranquility. They teach something you had never done before. These are the God’s most prolonged gifts shown in weeks and months. They stay with you for a period. Sometimes they are the ones that lead you to your first step in your career and, when it’s done, they disappear from your sight. They move to other locality, they take a different path and it is possible that you will never see them again in this life. Sometimes, they are those who gave you support during the years of your childhood or your youth and as soon as they realize firmness on your legs, sureness in your actions, they leave too, leaving behind, just the marks of their presence in your character: honesty, honor and perseverance. Finally, there are those who become part of your life during its whole extent in this Earth. Those who teaches lessons for your whole life. Things that you should build to have a solid emotional formation. They are brothers who grow up with you and even after they have formed their own homes, they continue to undertake many things with you. They are parents who go through the years, until old age, following your steps always encouraging. It is the spouse, who becomes partner of the most intense fights and the sweetest moments. All of them, those who comes for a reason, a period or the entire life are gifts of God in your life. Do recognize and appreciate them. * * * You are submerged in the ocean of God’s love. Every day, little drops of this love reach you, in your child’s smile, in a friend’s hug, in the confident word of a colleague, in the incentive of those who loves and trust you. In your life, don’t forget to look around and discover these treasures that God sends in your way for a few days, a few months or even until after death. They are expressive God´s blessings, gifts Divinity presents to His children, submerged in flesh, always needy of care and love.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 00:46:58 +0000

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