Have you ever spent your day waiting for a text or a call, a - TopicsExpress


Have you ever spent your day waiting for a text or a call, a conversation? Every time your phone makes a sound, you grab it immediately hoping it’ll be them.. But it’s not, and it’s been a long day, you wonder where they are, what they’re doing, whether or not you’re on their mind., You jump to conclusions thinking that if they aren’t talking to you, well there must be someone else that’s taking your place then., Oddly enough as much as this thought agitates you, you’re still too stubborn to make the move yourself., Text first, say hi, or call.,You think you’ll be bothering them, or give every excuse to them thinking they’re busy,. But by the end of the night you run out of excuses and you’ get tired of waiting.,you type out the text you want to send but you don’t send it.. then in the moment where you’re slowly getting too tired to keep up with the wait, and having found the perfect lines to convince yourself to not care,.your phone lights up again., It’s them,.apologizing for having a busy day and bids you good night and sweet dreams., In that moment every negative thing you felt all day diminishes, all the wait, the irritations just gets lifted from your mind and you fall asleep with a smile. You feel a bit pathetic, but you can’t help it., Cause love does that to you, you miss them, and throughout many parts of your day you wonder exactly what they’re doing, wishing they were with you at that moment.,goodnight!
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 16:01:05 +0000

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