Have you ever taken the time out of your busy life to let your dog - TopicsExpress


Have you ever taken the time out of your busy life to let your dog just be a dog? I just did that AND I experienced it with her. It was the most fun Ive had in a ling time! I took her out out to my grandparents home, where they own a good bit of land. Attaching her to a 4 foot lead, we set out into the pitch black woods with little else. The only light we had came from the moon pushing its way through the trees. Her nose was the guide on this trip. When she ran, I ran. When she sneaked her way through an overgrown thicket, I followed suit. When she dug her snout into the ground I dug my....well I just watched. The point being, I let her do what she does best. My only goal was to make sure there was slack in the leash, meaning that I had to make sure I kept up with her. It was no easy task because this dog is damn fast. During this time I noticed something that made me feel awesome. Every so often she would turn back and look at me, looking for approval in what she was doing. There is no better feeling than that. Think about it,an animal who has free range to do whatever the hell she wants,let her instinct take over, is still aware of me and my approval. There was a moment that absolutely scared the shit out of me though. Towards the end of our trip, She startled something hiding in the woods, prompting her to go apeshit. She took off after it so fast that her leash slid through my hands and she ran into what seemed like the meanest, darkest part of any woods ever. I sprinted after her for what seemed like ten minutes, screaming her name and listening for the faint jingling of her collar. I thought to myself, well this is just great. Im such an ass hole for losing my dog. But then I heard the jingling of the collar turn back around and head my way. All of a sudden, she leaped out of the brush and back into my arms. Disaster avoided. All in all, it was such a great night. I urge any one else who owns dogs to do the same. Take the time to let your dog be a dog, but do it with them. Put your phones down and live your lives, and share it with your pet.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 04:00:50 +0000

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