Have you seen the post by producer Mike Preger on OVAM? It is a - TopicsExpress


Have you seen the post by producer Mike Preger on OVAM? It is a bit of an update of what is going on with the production of the movie at the moment. Youve probably seen all of the movie viewers reactions. This explains why. -Heidi Ok people, let’s all take a deep breath and catch up on a few things. It’s been awhile since I’ve reached out to the fans directly, and was hoping to get in a few words about what’s been happening and where things are going from here. First off, the exciting news is we are now in the final stages of finishing the film for it’s worldwide opening this coming February. To explain how this process works, this is what goes on. We have spent the last month, or so, conducting select private screenings of the nearly completed work to random audiences of film fans around the country. This group is comprised of both hard core book fans of the series, as well as the general audience of film fans from all demographics. The reason for this process is to allow the film makers to understand how the general film audiences are reacting to the picture. The questions that are asked after the screenings include, do they understand the story, do they like, or dislike the characters. Do the hard core fans believe we have been faithful to the books, and for those who have never read, or even heard about the series, do they find the film interesting and entertaining. All of this information is then closely analyzed by the filmmakers, and further work on the film is then made to address whatever problems might be identified. As you might imagine, this is a tedious process wherein final tweaks and other decisions get made to try and find the best balance possible for all the audiences and ensure to both the fans and Distributors that we are delivering the best possible film. I am now very excited to report, the last results in have indicated we are on the right path, and that this movie now holds great promise of being the big and successful movie we have all worked so hard on for all these years. The point of all this is to assure all of our loyal and dedicated fans that all is well! Both the hard core fans and the general film market fans have given us the thumbs up!!!! I now want to talk to the those fans who have expressed, sometimes politely, sometimes not so politely, their concerns, fears and disappointment. The movie they will see, if they only give us the chance, will meet all their expectations and hopes for the film they’ve so long waited to see. I can now say, with the proof we have been waiting for, they will not be disappointed. Concerning the Teaser Trailer, and the brand new full Trailer just released. Remember one thing. These trailers are produced and presented by the Distributors. You need to also acknowledge, they are very good at what they do. In fact, The Harvey Weinstein Company who are behind these trailers, are recognized as one of the most successful Companies on the planet in doing this work. What is being reflected in that work is years and years of successful marketing and a track record within the industry of Hit, after Hit after Hit. While some of what the concerned fans are seeing might be confusing and not what they expected, these trailers are designed to catch the attention of the whole market, not just the fans who already know the series. The reality of the movie business is this — if all the fans of the book series came out to the see the movie, the movie will be a flop financially, and no more movies in the series will ever get made. That is the hard truth. So the task given to the Distributors is to create trailers that will attract the attention of the broad movie going fans to also come see this movie. That is a BIG mountain to climb. But like I said, we have been especially blessed in this effort by The Weinstein Company stepping forward to help us with this effort and we know, by experience, there is no one better prepared to get this job done. Trailers are meant to get people interested who would most likely never be interested otherwise. That’s a herculean task in today’s marketplace. So the elements from the film that are assembled for a trailer are to excite, create interest, and make the film look interesting and entertaining. It is not intended as a snap shot of the story of a film, which is totally impossible to do in a minute, but more an example of the type of scenes, setting, and interesting elements they will see in this movie. So those of us who are looking for some kind of literal representation of this work, just really don’t understand how all of this works. The Producers and filmmakers from day one have been dedicated to making this movie one the best adaptations of any book series ever made. Richelle herself has been involved creatively from the beginning. More importantly, she has already assured all of her fans that they will not be disappointed. We do understand how important this story is to hundred’s of thousand’s of fans around the world. We have worked long and hard, overcome many obstacles and problems involved in getting the “RIGHT” film made to deliver on that commitment. Furthermore, having now shown this film to over 1000 fans, the results are in. They LOVE IT! and I promise you, if you are a true fan of the series, you will too! I’m counting on each and everyone of you to stick with us on this. You have my personal promise you will not regret it! Once again, thank you all for your support and participation. It helped us throughout the process of making this film, and when you see the final results, I promise you, we will not disappoint. See you at the movies. All my best, Mike Preger
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 23:35:04 +0000

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