Have you stopped today to love yourself? Take a moment right now - TopicsExpress


Have you stopped today to love yourself? Take a moment right now to EMBRACE YOU✨. #TakeAMomentWithMeag > What you are seeing is a skin condition called #Psoriasis & I have been diagnosed with this condition ever since I was 13. It is extremely bad on my scalp and behind my ears. Probably the hardest areas to treat. I also have patches on my forearms, back, belly, and butt. (Yes my butt, flippin insane I KNOW) A few years ago you would catch me crying at night looking in the mirror in disgust. I HATED how this condition looked, and even more how it made me feel. Constantly red and itchy, not to mention it looks as if a blizzard went through my scalp. Being young w/ a uncontrollable skin problem on top of being overweight... Took a toll on my spirits. All I did was compare myself to others and wishing to have their skin. Clear free of these problems. & then I would stuff my face w/ food, and hit the parties. Fast forward to this year⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩... Because of changing my body physically I have grown spiritually. I DO NOT hate my skin, I absolutely #LOVE the skin I am in. Its my only life, and God created ME for a purpose. Just because I have a skin condition does NOT mean Im not capable of doing great things. So I got a little baggage when it comes to my skin. Yeah it itches and yes it flakes but thass cool bro.. Keep dem flakes coming psoriasis cause guess what!? THAT does NOT define who I am. #HELLNO . So I challenge YOU, to #TakeAMomentWithMeag & EMBRACE YOU. We are #fearfully & wonderfully made! & made exactly like no other human on this earth. Comparison to others is not just self-defeating...but multiple times robs us of joy & takes our focus away from our purpose.✨ So do you hear me?? NEVER... EVER be ashamed of who YOU are. -Value Yourself - Believe in Yourself and most importantly #LOVEYOURSELF for all of your flaws & quirks. Because w/o them.. Well.. You just wouldnt be you. And I love you!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 00:44:55 +0000

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