Have you tried P90x and failed?!? You are definitely not alone in - TopicsExpress


Have you tried P90x and failed?!? You are definitely not alone in this! This program is designed exactly for YOU! What is P90 all about? It is a program that is recommended for everyone of all fitness levels. It is not based upon high intensity as some of the other programs and it offers modifications from day one. It focuses on understanding correct form in order to avoid injury while building your core strength and stability. It combines cardio with simple exercises in order to lose weight, improve range of motion and functionality, all while toning and getting your body into great shape. The 25 minutes per day workouts are great for any schedule and the 90 day commitment is totally worth it! Who is P90 for? In my opinion, it is for everyone! The 90 day program gives you the basic movements in order to get your body looking and feeling great. The program also comes with a nutrition guide which allows you to understand they healthy food choices that should be made when getting your body into the best shape of your life! Whether you are looking to lose weight or regain the muscle tone that you used to have, P90 is great for you! If you are just someone who wants to be in good health, get regular exercise and feel strong then this could be the workout for you! I will be hosting an exclusive P90 Test Group beginning Monday, October 20, 2014!! As a coach, I am here to help YOU achieve YOUR goals! I don’t want this to be another program that just sits in your house collecting dust or being used as a coaster! I want to help you get in the BEST shape of YOUR LIFE! Together we CAN achieve your goals! So are you in?! The program will be available starting TODAY. You make the decision to change your health and your life and I will help you to reach your goals! So let’s do this TOGETHER!!! Don’t worry, I am a little scared too… committing to 90 days!?! Scratch that, I am excited!! I am excited to see what I can do to my body in only 90 days and how strong I can come out of this. Test groups are a GREAT way to get through your program and achieve your goals. Join me! youtu.be/C5c0iXqDpo8
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 15:00:01 +0000

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