Having had a very busy Saturday I was so tired, I had no choice - TopicsExpress


Having had a very busy Saturday I was so tired, I had no choice but to go to bed early. I woke up early the next morning hoping to see the sun rise but it wasn’t to be. It looked like the rain was getting ready to pour in a few hours time but nonetheless it was a beautiful Sunday morning. Being a Sunday I had to go to church, which I did. 11H00am I was at church. Everything looked almost the same way as it did the precious Sunday except the fact that there was that Sunday a different breed of a flower that even a Horticulturist like me had never seen before. OH! Was she beautiful. I was seeing her for the first time, so I stared a little. Yes I did. The service proceeded and ultimately the pastor dismissed the service. I tried to get a good look at her but she had to leave early with her two companions. She left me fascinated with her beauty and all I could say on my way home was “Wow” The following Sunday she was there. I can’t say enough of her beauty. She was pretty, really pretty. Two Sundays that followed after that, she was still there. Four Sundays later I managed to get closer and say “Hi” and a short introduction. Her name was “Tshiamo” I tried to get closer to her after that but the arrangement was just not permitting. Having waited for so long to get a chance to talk to her, I finally got one. It was on a rainy Sunday afternoon. The pastor had just dismissed the service. People were reluctant to walk out because it was raining and most of us didnt bring umbrellas. She was standing by the door, getting her umbrella ready and as I was approaching, she walked out. She was going home and I knew I had to make a decision fast, to follow her or stay inside because it was raining and I didnt have an umbrella. And I decided. Stuff the rain, I’m going with her. I wouldnt let the rain stand in my way. I wanted to do it so bad you have no idea the stupid things I tried. So I followed her, lets just say; she was walking fast but when she looked back and saw me coming, she slowed down. So I finally caught up with her and I observed protocol, in simple terms I greeted. I had my Tswana Cap on that day. The street was empty; it was just the two of us. After greeting and a short conversation, I went blank. I froze. I just didnt know what to say anymore. The rain also couldnt help the situation because now I was wet, cold and blank. To avoid embarrassment I had to think on my feet, even though they were cold, then I decided to do something. I asked her; how do you...? Before I could even finish asking my question, a speeding white BMW going the opposite direction appeared seemingly with a young man on the wheel, as to why he was speeding on such a wet condition I do not know but hey, it was a moment for me to play hero. With the anticipation that the car was going to offset her somehow, I moved in swiftly to be between her and the car. Her umbrella was turned upside down in an instant, she lost her step but I was there to hold her, she couldnt fall. No, at least not in my presence. I helped her regain her balance again and I fixed her umbrella after that. Yes I did, now give me a round of applause everybody. Accompanied by a smile that I couldnt erase for a long time, she said “Thank You”. We continued walking together and after a while we parted ways and I continued walking home. It was just one of those days when I was just “Too happy to be stressed” not even by rain. After that Sunday, the communication lines were opening, bit by bit and I could tell we were getting somewhere. Somewhere along the way we got to share drinks, jokes, smiles, hugs and well, you know how the process goes, it got to a point where I was convinced that this was going to work, we were on the same page, all these other things that were left were just procedural issues, the real work was done, or so I thought until my tongue slipped and I mentioned things I had deliberately omitted and some twisted in our previous conversations and which were important to her, so she said. In short let’s just say, my lies were catching up with me, big time. I was contradicting myself left, right and centre and I learned the hard way that you shouldnt tell lies if you don’t have a good memory. In short, things degenerated, we went from being on the same page to reading from different books altogether. I was mad at myself after that but hey, the damage was already done and that was it. We never happened. I know you are not sympathizing with me right now, I got what I deserved. Feel free to say it. Lies have a way of coming out, so you might as well go ahead and tell the truth from the start. Lies do not only have a way of coming but they also know when to come out. Just when you are thinking, “this is’t” and you’ve forgotten what you said 120 days ago, they come back to bite you. Do yourself a favour, tell the truth. One thing I learned from all this is that, integrity is when you know that if you lie, there is a chance for you to get what you want but you still decide to tell the truth. As in the words of scripture; “The truth shall set you free” I’M FREE. ARE YOU?
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 13:05:26 +0000

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