Having read a certain glorified failed roofer who is unable to - TopicsExpress


Having read a certain glorified failed roofer who is unable to upload a CV to a employer databases account of who should be supplying P.P.E under P.P.E regulations, It would seem there are many off shore technicians lapping up the high life earning big money for generally not doing a lot for it! Most offshore companies supply P.P.E on the basis that individuals such as GA neither understand nor recognise being a sub-contractor in their own right. The implications of turning up on site as a subby, you are required to supply your own certified P.P.E under LOLER98 regulations. You are also required to have public liability insurance which would cover you in the event of any incidents accidents which may occur from you lack of competence as a sub-contractor. Because you do not understand this most offshore companies have to provide equipment etc to protect themselves from operatives like GA who do not supply their own equipment neither have the appropriate insurance in place to carry out their work. The fact someone chooses a different avenue to earn their money shouldnt be a reason to insinuate they are being exploited! If anyone is being exploited its the 1000s of offshore workers who are indeed earning good money for short term projects but just imagine the large sums being earned by your employing companies. If the money were indeed that good why do most of the offshore operatives still require to carry out onshore work when they return to the Beach? generally GEO! It is an agreement between the contracting company and the sub-contractor as to if any P.P.E is issued and who is to provide it. As a sub-contractor you are employing yourself! therefore you have a duty of care to yourself to provide the necessary P.P.E etc. This can also be charged for by the contractor although indirectly; hse.gov.uk/Publication indg174.PDF: An employer cannot ask for money from an employee for P.P.E, whether it is returnable or not. This includes agency workers, if they are legally regarded as your employees. If employment has been terminated and the employee keeps the P.P.E without the employer’s permission, then, as long as it has been made clear in the contract of employment, the employer may be able to deduct the cost of the replacement from any wages owed. Comments regarding the stature of ones company are generally misconstrued by others, and having made such comments not even being aware of how our company works I feel you are unable to pass judgement! I am not sure who you are or indeed who you think you are? in future Please keep your shallow unfounded thoughts to yourself and refrain from using our social network with valid friends and colleagues as a platform to vent your bullshit views. GA. You may wish to spend some of your down time off shore which i am sure you have a lot of to explore the many regulations and legislation that most of you seem to spout yet know very little of. Just a fishing note to say at least as a geo operative take peace of mind that there will never any risk of ditching in the North Sea in a PUMA helicopter on your way to work!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 21:08:15 +0000

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