Hawaii and Monsanto The PR from monsanto is brilliant. Yet lies - TopicsExpress


Hawaii and Monsanto The PR from monsanto is brilliant. Yet lies are lies and truth is truth. Its important to remember the PR being handed out in mailings, radio and TV is from the same company that brought you Agent Orange, Saccharin, Aspartame, PCBs, Bovine growth hormone, Roundup and other chemicals that cause diabetes, MS, lupus, epilepsy, Parkinson’s, tumours, miscarriage, infertility, fibromyalgia, infant death, Alzheimer’scancer, birth defects, kidney failure and death. Monsanto has repeatedly claimed how safe there chemicals are while being fined 100s of million $ Vote Yes in Nov for the GMO Initiative • The initiative on GMO only affects Monsanto and Mycogen (Dow) • Small farmers are PROTECTED by the initiative. (please read the law) • The Citizens against the GMO Farming Ban was created by Mycogen • Monsanto and Mycogen hide behind these fake organizations • The organizations are created to confuse YOU • The organizations can lie and not get in trouble for it • Monsanto and Mycogen are chemical companies, not farmers. • GMO’s were created to sell more chemicals • GMO’s can’t grow without using large amounts of chemicals • Each year more Chemicals have to be used to keep growing GMOs • GMO seeds are soaked in chemicals and cant be touched • Conventional non-organic farming only uses 8-12 chemicals • GMO operations use 80 or more • Those 80 chemicals mix in the fields and create new chemicals • The EPA says they do not regulate or check on these new chemicals • Those chemicals don’t just stay in their fields on their crops • Those chemicals spread into our waters, lands and neighborhoods • Those chemicals are in the dust and we breathe them • The State tested and found these Chemicals in ALL our surface waters • Residents have tested and find them in the tap water in their homes • Monsanto has sued more than 1200 small farmers for millions of dollars • They proudly list these law suits on their website • They list them so their investors feel safe about controlling farming • Monsanto just paid $93 Million dollars to a town they poisoned • Until the judge made them pay, they still lied about the poisoning • Is this what you want for Maui County? • Is this what you want Maui to be known for in the World? • Are you willing to risk your life on their TV Ads and propaganda • Are you willing to risk your children’s lives on no testing? • Over 20,000 of us think its Best to Test these things • Are you willing to take a stand for this land and our way of life? • Over 20,000 of us are and we want you to join us • Thank you
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 02:48:14 +0000

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