He has consistently been enforcing his belief. He admitted he - TopicsExpress


He has consistently been enforcing his belief. He admitted he invested 900 million on his business was due to wrong decision, thus he did not complain anyone from day 1. However, what he repeatedly stresses and what Hong Kongers feel concern about (to my understanding) are a) why the govt suddenly changed their policies and limits the number of TV license plus the RATIONAL and BASIS why they do that; b) provided that there is a election system with identifying the OPTIMAL (forgive me I dont want to use the word - BEST) two licencees, they should at least advise their score-sheet and why the last one is kicked-out. Now, our government explained that they cannot disclose further information due to 行會的集體負責制和保密制. However, the spirit of 行會的集體負責制和保密制 is actually 能夠在沒有壓力下,暢所欲言,坦誠地向行政長官表達意見. Yet, I think the crowd is not asking for who said which sentences/reasons on agreeing/disagreeing, but why the ultimate outcome was like this, that said, we want to know the reasons for the decision, and actually 行會的集體負責制和保密制 should not limit the explanation in the extent. For more details about 行會的集體負責制和保密制, please refer to the below article: 特首有權公開王維基「死因」 王維基的香港電視不獲發牌,究竟「死因」何在?政府連日來都說不出一個清楚的答案。梁振英昨日出席立法會答問大會時就再次強調,行政會議有保密制,回歸前後的港督或特首,都不會公開會議內容,因此未能交代是次決定的理據及詳情。 諷刺的是,行會的保密制沒有被港督或特首破壞,卻恐怕早已敗在行會召集人的身上吧。老紀必須指出,早在2008年,時為行會召集人的梁振英接受港台訪問時就搶閘「預告」,工資保障運動勢將失敗,並倡議政府要就最低工資立法;然而,當時的特首曾蔭權根本未正式放棄工資保障運動,結果曾蔭權要在立法會上尷尬地向議員澄清,其後再不點名「暗批」有人不遵守行會紀律,並重申行會的集體負責制和保密制不會改變。 事實上,消息人士去年亦向老紀指出,梁振英擔任行會召集人期間,曾四度被曾蔭權發信警告,要求他遵守規則。雖然其後梁振英否認收到「警告信」,但又承認2008年港台訪問後真的收過曾蔭權的信,時間如此巧合,很難令人相信該信沒有警告的意思吧。由此可見,今天強調要緊守行會保密制的人,自己卻似乎並無以身作則。 而其實追本溯源,保密制本身就不是指「什麼都不可說」。特首辦去年提交給立法會的一份文件就說明,行會保密原則的重要性,在於確保行會成員「能夠在沒有壓力下,暢所欲言,坦誠地向行政長官表達意見」,而行會成員有責任對行會的「議程和討論內容」保密。由此路進,保密制根本無表明成員不可透露行會決定的背後理據,只是禁止公開各人的具體發言。事實上,在電視牌照一事上,由始至終,公眾都不是要求政府公開某一位行會成員說過的某一句話,只是想知道行會最終作此集體決定的原因何在。簡言之,討論過程並不重要,大家只想知道結論,而行會成員理應有權透露。 更何況,根據《宣誓及聲明條例》第18條,行會成員須於誓言中承諾「除獲行政長官的授權外,決不向任何人洩露行政會議的議程、所討論的內容及情況」。換言之,只要特首願意,其他行會成員甚至可透露議程及討論內容;至於梁振英本身,更可「自己授權自己」,暢所欲言地公開所有行會內容。因此,說到底,政府堅拒交代王維基的死因,非不能也,實不為也。 youtube/watch?v=gCdavmiYHfc
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 23:11:55 +0000

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