He was an unaccomplished man of low moral character, glib of - TopicsExpress


He was an unaccomplished man of low moral character, glib of speech and given to the convenient lie. He was a willing tool for those who would use him to serve shared goals. …and the lemmings echoed his words and followed him. Beseeching the masses to assist him in fundamentally changing their country and their way of life and to do so with hope in their hearts, he told them not what the change would be. Assisted by those who were paid with funds furnished by the taxpayers of the country he was to subvert, they made use of every flaw in the voter registration system and voting procedure and turned out the vote both legally and illegally in order to elect him to the highest political office in the land. …and the lemmings echoed his words and followed him. With the aid of the like-minded who controlled both houses of the legislative body, he launched his first assault against the country. The assault was the passage of legislation designed to gain a measure of control over the population this government had never before been able to establish. To make it initially palatable to the masses, it was named the ‘Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’. …and the lemmings echoed his words and followed him. The faltering economy offered him yet another opportunity. Unemployment was already high and getting higher so he immediately began an effort to grant amnesty to over twenty million illegal aliens already in the country and invited many millions more to violate the country’s immigration laws. …and the lemmings echoed his words and followed him. The indebtedness of the country was not nearly enough! To further strain the economy, he set about the borrowing of an additional eight trillion dollars, which he would accomplish over the ensuing four and a half years. Now he had increased the indebtedness of the nation to seventeen trillion dollars which is a debt that couldn’t be repaid by several generations of the people. …and the lemmings echoed his words and followed him. To those who had sold themselves into the slavery born of welfare and knew only reproduction as a means of guaranteeing income, he said, “Let me give you more!” Having known only this slavery for generations, they accepted. Free food, free phones, free healthcare and all was well! …and the lemmings echoed his words and followed him. Many more millions of people were pushed into poverty by his actions and purposeful inactions but there was more pressure to yet be applied. Introducing massive quantitative easing, the value of the currency was devalued. The population was now not only foregoing luxuries but prioritizing and eliminating necessities. …and the lemmings echoed his words and followed him but there were fewer lemmings than before. Moving more and more from shadows to light, his true allegiance became apparent. Now using the country’s resources, he equipped and armed those whose expressed intent was the destruction of the country he headed. Increased attacks upon the country’s citizens and resources, both at home and abroad, were experienced. He attempted to inject the country into a foreign war fighting directly on the side of those who would destroy our country but met with much resistance. …and the lemmings echoed his words and followed him but there were fewer lemmings than before. The reality of the ‘Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’ finally hit home. People began to understand the control the federal government would gain over the people and the utter devastation that would be done to employment and the economy. Leaders began to emerge in an effort to defund and repeal this weapon wielded by the government and known as ‘Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’. …and the remaining lemmings followed him but they were growing fewer in number. The last chapter of my story has yet to be written and I will not write it. The final chapter of this story, my friends, will be written by you and will be the product of your action, or inactions, over the next several months. I can hardly wait to see what ending you choose… Larry R. Fontenot
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 19:41:08 +0000

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