Heads Up! A Pea Friends - TopicsExpress


Heads Up! A Pea Friends and fellow citizens! On our table we see a jar. The jar is full of peas. These peas are meant for meals for poor people. If you take a pea from the jar, it is not much. After all, it is only one pea, and it shall not be missed. Then, again, a pea is taken from the jar. Each time time one person takes one pea. Not much. Then we come to our meal. The jar which was on the table? It was put there for us, so we could have our meal when we need one. However, those responsible for our wellbeing have been there before us. Now these peas which were placed in this jar for us are gone! What shall we have for our meal? Would you feed us grass? It is the same color as peas, but it shall not do. No hay, either! So what do we have left for our meal? We need nourishment, still. A brilliant idea! We shall be fed the alternate instead of peas, which the servers have taken from us; I get beans. But beans cooked and prepared in and with forbidden meats and other items. All kinds of beans, but these beans are not, by the Holy One, meant for us to have. Nor are they what we were supposed to have. All because the peas we were meant to have were taken from us. Think; if King David of Israel was wrong for taking a lamb, then how much more so are our leaders, who have corrupted our trust in them and stolen our rights from us! And this for only taking our peas from us? What difference does it make?!? These peas are the Bill of Rights! The jar is the Constitution! The ones taking the peas are thieves; they are the Government officials who claim to know better than us and they are forcing us to accept their concepts by un-Constitutional means (beans)!!!! Now about that jar? They have the perfect solution; break it! Shatter it completly!!!! And then feed us the Alternative they wish to feed us, not the nutritious meal our Founding Fathers painstakingly put together for us. Friends and Fellow Citizens; we still have a Constitution. are we going to support and defend it, or let the current leaders feed us their alternative? CHOICES SWALLOW THEIR ALTERNATIVE AND AMERICA DIES FROM THIS POISON.... THE PEAS (Bill of Rights) AND THE JAR (The Constitution) ARE THE NOURISHMENT OUR FOREFATHERS INTENDED TO MAKE THIS COUNTRY STRONG AND HEALTHY AGAIN.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 01:48:26 +0000

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