Health Status 3.2......Ive been trying to type this up for about - TopicsExpress


Health Status 3.2......Ive been trying to type this up for about two hours, but because Facebook has been having some kind of glitch Ive been unable to do so until now. As I told everyone last week my 3rd Chemo Session was on October 7th. I didnt feel the full effect of that until October 10-13th when I basically spent about 50% of my waking hours in bed feeling about 50%. Soon after October 13th and typing my Health Status 3.1, I started to feel somewhat better....perhaps going up to about 70%. I was able to swallow a little better and to actually taste some food. I went to Sams Club on Tuesday and Thursday of last week to tag along and to get out of the house. On Friday, I went to get a flu shot and a pneumonia shot at my primary care doctors office. I had to re-shedule this from the prior week because of 1) the truckers blockade on the Beltway, 2) the lousy weather, and 3) feeling pretty bad and concerned that my immune system couldnt take another hit. Both the flu shot and pneumonia shot gave me side effects like one would probably have even if they were perfectly healthy. So, I spent a lot of Saturday and Sunday in bed with aches and pains from these shots, but I felt it was important to get them before cold/flu season hits and the rest of the general population gets their flu shots. The pneumonia shot has left a large red spot on my right arm in an oval shape about 4 X 6. It hurts to sleep on right side. I also asked my primary care doctor if he could give me an allergy/mold skin or blood test. He said that he couldnt, but was ready to refer me to someone in the same building. I declined since it takes me an hour to get there and another hour to get back. I was able to make an appointment with an allergist about five miles away from home for tomorrow. Ive been coughing/gagging quite a bit ever since April. It was one of the reasons I wanted an appointment with my primary care doctor back then even before my yearly physical in July when I learned that I had Stage 4 lung cancer. Since then, Ive been referred to an ENT doctor who checked my ear, nose and throat, but didnt do much except have me tested for Hearing Loss which I didnt have. He referred me to my primary care doctor who has now referred me to an allergist. So, hopefully tomorrow I get some answers. Ive learned through google searches that each day everyone produces about a quart of mucus (I know....TMI). Most of that gets swallowed, but in my case because of the cancer and chemo affecting my swallowing, much of that mucus is not getting swallowed....thus the gagging and coughing. Im hopeful that some of that could be relieved through medication or an allergy shot. If not, Ill just have to continue with my salt water gargles and homeopathic measures to try to relieve it. My next Chemo Session # 4 will be on October 28th so I have only a week to enjoy between 70-80% health. Again, I wish to thank everyone who continues to ask how Im doing, who send good wishes and prayers. I also wish to thank everyone for limiting personal e-mail messages to my FB or Juno e-mail accounts. I can answer a few e-mails, but I cant keep up with everyones requests so I hope you understand.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 15:34:14 +0000

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