Heavenly Father I thank you for this beautiful day that you have - TopicsExpress


Heavenly Father I thank you for this beautiful day that you have made ,I will rejoice and be glad in it. I magnify your precious and holy name. You are Awesome, Wonderful, Mighty, Great All powerful. I lift you up this morning because you are the great high Priest. I ask you in the powerful name of Jesus to take control of every situation that lies before us. I ask you Lord to take charge of our leaders that is set over lands .Let them fear you Lord and give them compassion for your people . I pray that the Holy Spirit will lift up a standard against every thing that is not of you. Help us as a people to humble ourselves before you, to repent from our wicked ways and seek your face for then will you hear from heaven and heal our land. I plea the efficacious blood of Jesus in our homes, over our children, in our schools , in our work places. I bind the spirit of oppression and depression. Let your peace which passes all understanding be upon your people. I bind up those who prey on our children and women and I ask you Lord to protect us in our going out and our coming in. I pray that righteousness and justice will prevail. Give us a heart like thine O lord our strength and our Redeemer. Help us to be better mothers to lead our children to know you . The only God, who all power belongs in heaven and in the earth. Let our men stand up to be the what you created them to be. I bind the prince of the power of the air and every demonic forces that come against your people .Help us to look to you Father, for our help cometh from you who made the heaven and the earth. Thank you for providing for us Lord . You send your son who became poor that we might be rich and we claim all your promises to us today Lord. I command every stronghold to release it grips off your people and set us free in the Mighty name of Jesus. Let your will be done O Lord. Order my steps in your words . Remove every obstacle and every thing that is not of you. Come into my heart and let Your Holy Spirit take full control. Use me for your Glory and your Honor Lord. I ask these in the Mighty name of Jesus. You said whatever I ask in your name it will be done .So I declare it done . Halelujah. To you be all praise and glory and honor O lord Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 14:56:17 +0000

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