Heavenly Father, we humbly come again before You to give thanks, - TopicsExpress


Heavenly Father, we humbly come again before You to give thanks, We thank You for the freedom to go into Your house to worship You today, We thank You Lord, for each person that made it their choice to go into the house in which they worship, to give You the thanks, and the praise that You are so deserving. For we know that its not the name over the door, or the building, it is You, the One that we came to worship. We pray Lord, that as Your messenger brought Your word that we opened our hearts and our minds, and that what was said and done, we brought home with us to share with others, as we go about our daily lives this week, and that when we left we found ourselves thinking that It was good to be in the house of the Lord. Lord, we know that You are a mighty God, and that we can bring every need, every concern, every burden to You, and know full well that You will handle each one according to Your will. Lord. we ask that You be with those that feel they are overwhelmed with things going on in their lives, we know Lord, that sometime we feel so heavy laden with day to day problems that we forget that You are right beside us, taking burdens from us, and replacing them with blessings, and we are so busy that we dont see the blessings that You give us, and we forget to thank You for them, and sometime we get ourselves into situations, and then when we cant get out of them ourselves, thats when we turn to You, we need to realize that the answers to our problems are found in Your word, we cant leave Your word on the shelf, then pick it up when we have a problem,... we must get into Your word daily, let the Devil know that we hold a shield in front of us that can take care of anything He throws at us, Lord, we know that You test us, and we in turn can turn that test into a testimony, that we can tell others what our God has done for us, not brag about what we have done for Him, for it doesnt matter what kind of house we have, what kind of car we drive, what is in our bank accounts, what kind of job we have, what matters at the end, is what kind of servant we were for You, so that when we are called Home, You will look at us and say, Welcome Home my Good and Faithful Servant. Lord, we continue to ask Your blessings on each person that may need You in their life, whether it be a healing touch, a gentle hand to let them know that they are never alone, comfort for those missing a loved one, strength for the weak, and the weary, lifting of burdens, but most of all the presence of Your love for those that have not accepted You as their Savior. May You continue to give us Patience, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, and love for those that have wronged us, so that we may be forgiven also. Lord, as we begin a new week, may You go with us from the minute we get out of bed, until we lay our heads down at night. And may we ask that You be with us tonight, as we lay our heads down for a night of rest. And may everything we ask be done in accordance to Your will. In Jesus name we pray. Amen,
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 01:48:30 +0000

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