Hello Angels...time to reveal the cards for you all... CARD 1 - TopicsExpress


Hello Angels...time to reveal the cards for you all... CARD 1 = PEACE SIGN NUMBER 7 = PERSONAL GROWTH As I improve myself I improve the circumstances of my life. This card indicates a time of significant growth & improvement, when you are being encouraged to be the best you can be. This is a time to ask yourself, Who am I? What do I want from my life? What is preventing me from achieving what I want? When you ask yourself these questions, observe what comes up – then acknowledge your mental & physical limitations, set realistic goals for overcoming them & take the necessary steps to follow through. With desire & determination you will reach your full potential. Investigate anything that helps raise your conscious awareness & enhances your self-esteem. Maybe it is a book or seminar or workshop or meditation, it may be working with a therapist or life coach-whatever suits your needs. A step in this direction will set you up for life. You are heading toward a time of growth & improvement & as you improve yourself, you improve your quality of life. As you raise your awareness, you align yourself with Source. This is all you need to make your dreams comes true. CARD 2 = BUTTERFLY NUMBER 46 DOMESTIC HARMONY. I HAVE HAPPY HARMONIOUS RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN MY HAPPY HARMONIOUS HOME. It’s time to heal your relationships & your home. This may relate to a troubled relationship with a child, family member or current partner, houseguest or roommate. It could even relate to problems you have had with the actual house itself. Either way, this card has been sent to advise you that your difficulties are being resolved & domestic happiness is within your reach. This indicates a time to make a commitment to your present relationship by declaring your love & desire to take things to the next level. It can also reveal a need to commit to your present residence by extending your lease, deciding not to sell or making the necessary improvements to turn it into your perfect home. Regardless, this card is encouraging you to make a commitment rather than walk away. Remember there is no such thing as the perfect relationship, family or home. Domestic harmony can only be achieved with effort, compassion & compromise. By improving your relationships & your home, you will improve your quality of life. CARD 3 = FISH NUMBER 37 TIMEOUT I TAKE TIME OUT FOR MYSELF & REBALANCE MY BODY & MY LIFE. This indicates a need to take a time out from your busy schedule & the hustle & bustle of life. Perhaps you’ve been working too hard or have a lot going on. Maybe you’ve been tired, irritable & anxious or just feeling generally unwell. If you’ve been under stress or have been spending time in a negative or toxic environment, you must remove yourself from the situation to heal & recharge. This is a perfect time to take a vacation. Even a day or 2 away will revitalize & recharge your soul. You don’t necessarily have to even leave your home; you could laze around,…unplug your computer & phone for time-out. Have an energy healing, massage, facial even a good soak in the bath, go for a walk in nature or do whatever you feel like doing to unwind, centre yourself & feel a sense of renewal. If you are feeling overwhelmed or confused, the answers will present themselves to you during your quiet time. Clarity comes from silence & order follows peace. So step away from stress & find your inner sanctuary. CARD 4 = ELEPHANT NUMBER 5 CHANGE I ACCEPT & SURRENDER TO THE CHANGES THAT IMPROVE MY QUALITY OF LIFE. This indicates a time of expected & unexpected change, when anything can happen & usually does. You are encouraged to think of your life as an adventure in which exciting opportunities could appear at any moment. Rather than fearing the unfamiliar & unknown, you are urged to embrace expansion, movement & change. This is a time to go with the flow & open yourself to opportunities that will improve your quality of life. Anything is possible & the wheels are set in motion so be sure to play your part by moving closer to your dreams. You may be called upon to make changes in your mind-set, relationships, residence, lifestyle, or career- whatever a shift is needed to serve your greater good. It is time to broaden your horizons & re-spark your passion for life. You are heading toward a time of change & movement, procrastination, resistance & fear only take you out of alignment, so surrender yourself to the opportunities that are about to present themselves. Trust that you’re divinely loved & guided & you’ll be shown the way.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 10:35:24 +0000

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