Hello, World Changers! Ill make this short. Here are 100 ways - TopicsExpress


Hello, World Changers! Ill make this short. Here are 100 ways of changing the world every day as we go to school. (There are a lot but for the sake of length and consideration to your eyes, here are just 100) 1. You take the UPCAT. Do everything you can to pass. 2. You failed? Sorry, this post is only for passers. You passed? WOW, TO CHANGE THE WORLD, KNOW THAT YOU ARE THE BEST. Cream of the crop, as they say. 3. You welcome your freshman days, with a dream to beat John Gabriel Pelias record of 1.000000000-something. So you have to have 1.00000000000000000-somerandomsetsofdigits in the end of the day 4.You congratulate yourself, you are finally an Iskolar Para Sa Bayan! 5.You study hard, since you really should live up to the expectations of your hometown so that you can inspire other people there to study hard too and show them the fruits of working hard. 6.You keep your high school promises such as not having a boyfriend until you graduate, you just cant afford to be distracted by a fleeting relationship because that would mean heartbreak 7.To some of you, you take a course thats not your passion. You think its okay as long as it is trending, and as long as it has a high pay in the end. Maybe to some, you take that because it sounds good. Just like UP is a coveted institution. 8.You aim to wow people with your achievements because thats how you change the world, iskot iska, by having unos because you have to live up to the schools HONOR AND EXCELLENCE. 9.You see that UP is heaven in your first two weeks. Wow, UP. You thank God that you passed the most prestigious exam in the Philippines. 10.You refuse to have bloc dinner dates because of some exams coming up. 11.In your third month, you realize that UP is hellish as you face those exams. But not only that, you will be so disappointed that cheaters thrive in this place too. 12.You look for fellow Valedictorians because you secretly feel that you guys have more capability to change the world since you have a better story to tell. You are the best of your respective batches anyway. 13.You get your first set of class cards and. And . And. You fail for the first time in your life. 14.You realize you are not that smart. You ask God why He made you pass the UPCAT. 15.You realize at some point, that God is not true after all. But He chases you back because He knows that His Love is what you really need. He does not ever let go of you. 16.You strive harder the following semester. 17.You finally passed everything! Ha! Now, you can go back to your beloved alma mater and inspire the next yous--your junior top students. You compute your passed grades. And then, you get the same exact average. 18.You feel ashamed. You lose self esteem. You embarrass your high school self. Oh no, this is so not you. You realize that Magna Cum Laude is the only thing you can aim for, if you have at least 1.__ GPA throughout your stay in UP. 19.You aim for, at least, University Scholar record in your next semester. 20.You get late in your 10 o clock class. ALWAYS. You sleep late before--or after--deadlines and drink extra joss. 21.You force yourself to study hard so you are hard on yourself. After all, how can you inspire others if you have an ugly Transcript of Record, right? Ruler TORs make the difference. 22.You end up having a Warning Standing. 23.You become University Scholar next semester due to all of your drive to defend yourself against the people who belittle your ability. After all, you realize that you need not take vengeance against them. You just let success speak for yourself. 24.You continue in proving what you can do to them. You continue striving for the best. 25.You get fed up. You only look for LOA in your fifth semester. You remember the day your first year high school adviser cheated your grades. 26.You think youre better, really, than the top student that time not just because your parents have computations as proof, but because she failed the UPCAT, the most prestigious exam a high school student can take. 27.You say hello to depression. You break down. You get affected by what people say. You are hard on yourself. You think you cannot change the world anymore. You say goodbye to your dreams. You see, the world will not listen to you if you are not good. How can you change it? Ha? 28.You go for LOA and take medication that you cannot afford. You raise funds by using your talents. 29.You know that soon you are okay. 30.You are okay then you face your sixth sem and you only have to take one subject because thats what your psychiatrist says, 31.You have fun all along. You are happy you dont have to face exams since this subject may be advanced but it is output based. 32.You dont sleep to cram for everything during the last two days. 33.You break down again. This time, worse. You realize youre not okay. You realize that youre never okay. 34.You find out that you are a hypocrite. Ever since. 35.You admit that you always struggle to impress people instead of inspiring them. You now know that UPCAT is overrated. 36.You see that you used to hide the failures of your literal childhood so that you can become a role model people can look up to. 37.You have to learn things the hard way. 38.You decide. YOUVE HAD ENOUGH. You now despise academics. 39.You dont want to finish college anymore. You want to free yourself in this prison called academics. You realize social life is more important because it is where education happens. You learn to deal with other people, something which your always-top-1 kid-self did not prioritize. For shes too forced to get As. 40.You regret all those times you wish to go home because of exams when years later, what you will remember are the laughs you shared with college friends not how you felt when you saw your 1.00 in your classcard. 41.Oops, you forget that you never had a 1.00 yet. You look back and notice that you already have everything except it. From 1.25 to 3, 4, 5, drop, INC, and LOA. 42.You want to hide and never show the world your face again. For how can you change something that will just ostracize you for being mediocre. 43.You cry because you know that the world only honors people who are successful. And so, you can no longer change the world. 44.But then you ride a plane and watch the movie About Time and your life changes. 45.You see that it is not about the image, it is about the impact. 46.You realize that you are a victim of the flaws of society, which are, ironically, rampant in UP. Like politics, for you always feared voicing out most of your thoughts because of what people might say. Like dishonesty, because though you never cheated you were always dishonest with yourself. You were never truly happy after all. 47.You realize being Valedictorian is nothing. 48.You become disgusted with UP and others, and find out that is a FALLACY after all. You question the society why we have Oble as our logo as a symbol of freedom but we ourselves are slaves of the expectations of people. 49.You figure out that you are your number one bully. Because you grew up hitting your head on the wall whenever you would get even just one mistake in one of your quizzes, like what you did when youre in Grade 6. 50.You are so broken that God is the only One Who can rebuild you. 51.You see that even the most ordinary people can do the most extraordinary step to change the world. 52.At last, you find out that you dont have to be Somebody to do Something. 53.You are ready to face the world. You are needed very much, broken as you are. You change yourself. You hurry up because you realize that people are dying every day. 54.You dream of a world where beautiful cliches are read in real lives, not just papers. Where love, acceptance and peace are more sought than vengeance, bigotry and justice. 55.So you have no choice but to let go of yourself as you realize how small your needs are compared to the needs of the world. 56.You begin to hate the systems and wrong mindsets--most of which you yourself once had. 57.You see the paradox of changing the world. 58.You start loving people more, as you finally let go of the fight for prestige. 59.You see that the world has to mock you before you can change it. You see that Literal Academic Excellence is a trap--it makes you prone to what your now-UP-graduate friend calls as the Employment Trap where people are judged by their salaries. 60.You accept the fact that you cannot change the world if you attempt to please it. You have to go against its flow. 61.And so you have to begin with changing your mindsets. 62.And so you are willing to expose what should be confidential. 63.You become open and vocal about your failing moments. You thank God for singkos and for you being delayed. 64.Thankfully, you see that youre not the only one. 65.You tweet rebellion against academic slavery and you receive private messages from students from different colleges saying that they can very very much relate. 66.You guys agree that there are so many loopholes in academics. Loopholes we choose to overlook because of, because of, because of trying hard to be the best. 67.You then wish you never gave in to the useless fight for the highest honor. You wish you can go back and just enjoy your high school life to the fullest. Not that you will be mediocre, but that you will give your best only to learn or to give back to your family out of love, NOT out of the burden to prove yourself to anyone. 68.You now know you dont have to prove to the world they need you, actually, it is you who have to prove to yourself that the World Needs YOUth despite of your imperfections. 69.You no longer please people, instead you make them happy. You realize that those two things are different. You tell about your failures now, so that, so that, so that, you can INSPIRE. 70.You find out that instead of looking at what you have which others dont have so that you can protect your self esteem, you would rather PROTECT THE SELF ESTEEM OF OTHERS by telling them about your failures. 71.Because you are a celebrity in your respective hometowns, and now, you avoid causing intimidation. For being too perfect is someone most people cannot relate with so you choose to sacrifice your pride and welcome the potential bashing of people, people who prey on the failures of other people so that they can lift their egos. 72.You realize it is fine to be offended. It is fine to be hated, to be misinterpreted and be hurt. It is fine for your failures to overpower all your past successes. Because that is when you tell that everyone is special, that being in UP does not make you special. You have failures, too. 73.So you decide to let Love be your advocacy, and instead of treating success as your form of revenge, you start aiming for success because you simply love your family. Which does not only refer to the immediate one you have, but the world. 74.You see that the world is full of insecurity and bigotry and so you decide to break the silence and tell the world that hey, we dont have to be perfect. Love is all we need. If we love one another, we become secure. Because we should love our togetherness more than our differences. We should love Living things over non-living things! In school, medals seem more important than moments. At work, money seems more valuable than integrity. We should be alarmed. Because we can do something, after all. 75.And so you remember that the reason why you didnt have a boyfriend for so long aside from that purity covenant you signed when you were 11, was that you were afraid of heartbreak, but now you realize, the thing you focused on gave you heartbreaks itself? Academics. Acads suck. 76.You finally decide to have a boyfriend. You begin falling in love with Education. 77.So this 2014, you refuse again to go enroll in summer classes. This time, not to take a break from studying--which reminds you of the UP shirt saying StuDYING haha--but to find the joy in studying and REDISCOVER LEARNING. You decide to create at least three blogs more, and these sites will be your subjects. Hits wont dictate your grade, but the comments or emails you receive. You will soak yourself into International Relations because one day you might just be a diplomat. Then again, you will blog about fashion still so that you will wear your designs in the UN Headquarters. Fashion and medicine are equal anyway. Any profession is equal. Passion is the real measurement. 78.You now know why it is DepEd, not DepAc. You remember your childhood dream of becoming its Youth Ambassador. Years ago, you wanted it because you wanted to follow the footsteps of your first boyfriend Sam Concepcion. But now, you are serious. You have to be an ambassador. You may not have the title, but UP told you what this cliche means, Leadership is Action, Not Position. 79.You begin to love yourself genuinely, that you feel complete even without titles. You realize that your most important neverchanging reality is that you are His Child. 80.You hate the moments you remember whenever people would say Psssst! Nakakahiya ka, UP ka pa naman o! 81.You see, you see that being in UP means being on a socially constructed pedestal by the world where prestige--which is pointless--is overrated. 82.You realize that being in UP means reaching out and going down from that pedestal and bringing people to where you are. Not literally in, UP, but in the place of security--The Cross. Where no one has to prove anything to anyone. Where differences are celebrated. Where Love is evident and competition never happens--except the healthy business one and 83.You say that world changing begins with little things, like not responding to your backfighter peers. You only butt in to say hey guys instead of backstabbing our weird classmate, why not backstab Bashar al Assad instead so we can learn from his mistakes and not do them should we have the same power? 84.You want to tell the world that hate and love are inseparable because the real enemy of love is Greed. #TheLoveAdvocacy is so different from your former Summa or even Maxima Laude Advocacy sometime ago. 85.You remember that its At the end of the day, not in the end of the day. You see, you being EIC in your high school newspaper does not mean you have perfect grammar. Haha. 86.You fall in love with constructive criticisms. You start looking for hate messages which are at first, trash, but then, contain some gold. But all you receive so far are shocks I can relate huhu or thanks for the enlightenment girl ha. 87.Then again, you have to remind yourself that you are not changing the world if you are doing things to get praised. You see, you have to face hate when you go against the flow. You see, an Indian killed Mahatma Gandhi despite of what he did to India. You are not going to be killed but there will be times when you would wish to. Dont ever kill yourself again. 88.You forgive your first year high school adviser. FINALLY. You are able to move forward. Because you have seen what matters most. Character and real friendships. Life lessons are far better than mastering e equals mc squared. And that youre holding the Truth anyway. You really are the best. Of your batch last 2008. Then now you see its pointless to be the best. 89.You remember that you perfected 99% of your exams in elementary and high school because 1% of them were only 99. But now, you realize you never even understood World Wars I and II. 90.You realize it is when you stop aiming to be the best student and forget having the best grades that you actually have the best moments and learn the best lessons. 91.You see how tired you were for the first eighteen years of your life. 92.You see that UP made you not only an Iskolar Para Sa Bayan, but an Iskolar Para Sa Mundo. And soon, you will tell that to the world. 93.You will encounter things like hey who are you, to speak to us, you are not a role model. You have singkos. Go give us your Summa Cum Laude. You get hurt, not for yourself, but for them, because their eyes are not yet opened. And so you will reply uhm, who am I? I am just like you, an imperfect human being. Telling you that if I can change the world, you can, too! Failures tell you some things you can never learn from successes. Why hide them, guys? Wake up. 94.Because in UP, you realize that finally, life is NOT about being the best, Life is about being able to bring out the best in OTHER people. :D 95.You congratulate yourself for being free from the curse of academics, and finally, like Oble, you are now bare. You are bare from these clothings called prejudice, bigotry, and politics. 96.You realize that not everyone sees the same things you see because you have different realities. You remind yourself that its okay. You love democracy anyway. You begin to fully listen to the stories of other people, because they are equally interesting like that of yours. 97.You decide to write a book about how young people can change the world. 98.You see that, THAT, is better than being able to beat Sir John Gabriel Pelias record or being the Perfect Celebrity your province used to think you are. 99.You wish that the people who will see this will write something like this too because after all, everyone deserves to be heard. So you go tell that UPCAT failer and show her or him (youre somewhat a feminist whos into chivalry though) that this is also for those who failed the most prestigious exam oops wrong, the most overrated exam in the Philippines. 100.Finally, you are reminded that you are still immature in so many levels and so you want to say to people that if we change together, together, we can change the world.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 21:55:22 +0000

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