Hello everyone I have been truth seeking the origins of humankind - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone I have been truth seeking the origins of humankind for sometime now. I have researched a great deal of things some of which I will share with you today. Let me begins by saying I came across the armageddon conspiracy webtsite and read about half of it before I decided to come here. In the very begging of the website, there is a mention of Hyperborea, the land of beyond the north wind of perpetual sunlight. From my understanding this falls directly inline with Hollow Earth Theory and corroborates the stories of Olaf Jenson and Admiral Byrd. The theory states the earth is hollow with a central sun, not a molten core. There are huge entrances/holes at the north and south pole. I believe that the tall inner earth beings mentioned in both accounts are the Nephilim/Annunaki mentioned in the bible, torah, and Quran. The AC website makes no mention of the hollow earth and says that the every word in the sacred texts are fabricated. However I feel that they could very well be accurate scriptures of our history. Try researching Giants(offspring of man and nephilim) for a day and you will come to find at one point they did exist. That the great flood was a god-like repsonse to tyranny occruing on earth. In the book of Enoch(super old text) it is written. And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. 2. And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: 3. Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, 4. the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. 5. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one anothers flesh, and drink the blood. 6. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones. A common belief is that Native Americans came to North America via the berring strait. However north American legends and beliefs tell a different story. They believe they came from underground where they stayed with the snake and ant people. When God finished recreating the world after the great flood, they began to surface. But when they reemerged they found there were already people above ground- Giants. Red-haired cannibalistic giants terrorized the Native American Tribes for many years carrying people off. Finally a few native American tribes banded together to rid themselves of the giant threat. They called these people Si-teh-cah. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Si-Te-Cah Our written history is filled with Giants, such as Goliath, Paul Bunyon, Gogmagog, Og of Bashan. In those days Britain was called Albion, and it was land of giants. The jack and the beanstalk originates from here. Moving lets I am trying to keep an open mind that the luciferians and NWO are actually the good guys. You mentioned reincarnation on the website and I beleive this to be true, also that Human kind can reach divinzation. I think buddha was an inner earth being who sought to teach ppl the truth. Hinduism, the worlds oldest religion, has much of the very same concepts. Interesting thing I found in Hinduism, is that the God Ganesh, resembles the subterranean Deros Aliens. I believe he was one of them and these beings may still be around beneath our feet. Ganesh: wallpapeprs/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/god-ganesh-desktop-wallpaper-10.jpg Deros: angelfire/nb/ancientcreed/deros.jpg Speaking of Subterrean Creatures, have you guys looked into Donald Marshall? He has some amazing claims regarding, cloning, reptilians, and the NWO agenda. He has picked up a lot of steam Long story short, there are huge underground military bases where Mark-2 Rem sleep cloning takes process(you see this in the avatar movie), disgusting and vile things happen down there including sacrificial ritual and cannibalism. He has claimed that Queen Elizabeth is Lucifer and she attends these meetings. He talks about a droning process and a creature called Vril, a parasitic lizard which can take over the mind of a human being. The movie they live is said to be by the director and main actor, based on true current events. https://youtube/watch?v=JI8AMRbqY6w Further more, the show southpark is said to be working under the NWO or maybe its the OWO, iono but their episodes about Crab people were actually meant to hinder Donald Marshall claims. They are not actually crabs tho, just large prehistoric subterranean lizards. What is the one lizard on our planet that has something close to eye-stalks? Thats right, a Chameleon, a supreme predator capable of camouflage and even shooting its tongue great distances. But what shape are the chameleons appendages? They are claws. Here are some real depictions of Vril and then the actual crab people scene. s1251.photobucket/user/celine046/media/LCsvril_zps799c61ea.jpg.html 1.bp.blogspot/-S1s0OwN2rjw/U55LJcouDkI/AAAAAAAACYg/vARXBYS2v6A/s1600/1381484_547199638684991_1216731350_n.jpg https://youtube/watch?v=IEUZZfLf8eA Coincidence? Furthermore Southpark and Donald both say that God at one time or even now was giant reptilian bird creature. media.tumblr/tumblr_lusgtzmQDj1r1onmy.png donaldmarshall.proboards/thread/268 This creature they refer to is said to be the Egyptian God Ra, depicted the same as Horus, the body of a man, with head of a bird. I believe these beings may Alpha-draconians, supreme highly advanced beings in our star system capable of moving among dimensions. veteranstoday/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/alien-alpha-draconian.jpg In the movie, the dark cyrstal the Skeskis are said to be these creatures and its why the movie was never remade. Our beaked gargoyles all over the world depict these beings. While I agree with the idea of meritocracy and believe the old systems need to collapse, wouldnt it be easier to convince the world with something supernatural. Like Agarthans revealing themselves? I think there is probably some non-disclosure treaty between the OWO and the extraterrestrials. Maybe I have been on the internet to long but again I take all these things with a grain of salt, that there may be some truth to it. If you look far back enough tho you come to realize there is no missing link, that we didnt just evolve. Many signs such as ancient mines in Africa point to our creation as a slave race meant to mine gold because the Annunaki did not want to do it themselves. I hope I did not offend anyone, I only wish to connect the dots.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 20:09:56 +0000

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