Hello friends Creating huge wealth from any online biz - TopicsExpress


Hello friends Creating huge wealth from any online biz opportunity is very easy if you obey all rules. Do you have an online biz opportunity or program that you currently promote? Are you into any affiliate program? Are you a shining star in the online biz that you’re doing? Am not saying those that sell craps (junk ebooks), I meant those that practice what they teach. Are you making your dream money and is your future financially secured? Read on, to discover the mistakes most ppl make in most online biz and discover how to create true wealth. Lot of ppl are like a hound dog that lies on his back and howls all day because its in pains and feels lazy to get up and do something about it. They waste their time and lives in dead end jobs that they hate. Wake 4am, leave home 5:30am return 9pm... Some dabble in various online business opportunities, buy the latest hyped 1million$$$ a day manual,ebooks,videos, seminars. They seem to think that their lives are like a TV show which will have a happy ending. So they stay in the same job for years, waste their lives and whine like a hound dog. Some of will retire, bt will walk around for the rest of their lives wounded and miserable because of the stress they accumulated from their jobs. The others will get downsized, and end up where they started, where they will continue howling and whining for the rest of their lives, unable to figure out where their happy ending went. You don’t have to be a hound dog because you can do something about your current financial situation. Most people rush into internet biz opportunity for various reasons. Some people are tired of working hard at their daily jobs and desire an internet business opportunity as a way to escape from the 9-5 job rat race. Some other people desire an online biz opportunity so as to earn extra incomes to supplement the money they make at their jobs. Other people desire internet business opportunity because of the comfort and freedom of working from their homes and the power it gives them to control their financial destiny. There are some people who have bought an online biz package because they are retired and need something to keep them busy. When the internet gold rush happened about 8 years ago, millions of average people all over the world rushed into different types of online business opportunities because they bought the internet hype of get rich fast. Millions of companies were born overnight and they began to offer free affiliate programs. Millions of people signed up with the mistaken notion that just by signing up and getting a free website to promote an online business opportunity will make them rich over night. This gave birth to various internet promotions and marketing. One of the most annoying internet promotions was spamming. This in turn gave birth to anti-spam activism which has almost wiped out spamming. After 1 or 2 years, most of these millions of people who rushed into online business opportunities had to admit failure because they were not making any money. Their dreams of fast internet wealth were shattered. As a way to console themselves, they started labeling every internet business opportunity as a scam. Most of these people will buy an internet business package and after they download or receive it, they will claim that the package is a scam (even though they have not tried it yet and have no proof). By so doing, they rip off the sellers of these online business packages While some of the individuals and companies that promote online biz may engage in deceptive advertising, it is not true that all online business opportunities are scams. Most online business opportunities are valid and can make the buyer a lot of money. The problem is that most people who buy online ideas are not capable of doing them because they are not business oriented or because the promoter over hyped it telling you you have have to click a button and the cash will spill in. Most of them don’t have a clue about marketing and internet promotion. Most of them buy the programs or sign up in free affiliate programs and after they get the websites they don’t do any marketing. A lot of these people don’t even know the difference between selling and marketing. I have known some of these people who don’t even know how to write a simple sales letter or e-mail. They write an e-mail without beginning it with a salutation and at the end of the e-mail, they don’t include their names or phone numbers or physical addresses. Most of them don’t even know how to create a folder or save or upload a file or install a software and yet they had signed up in 100 different affiliate programs and online business opportunities and had dreams of making a million bucks overnight! Is it any surprise that these people fail miserably? The least that any serious person should know how to do should be how to write a sales letter. Most of the people who fail in internet biz opportunity have no discipline and are disorganized. They have the mistaken notion that ALL working from home and doing an online biz program means that they can wake up anytime they like and that they can choose whether to work or not and when to work or not. They fail to realize that doing an internet business opportunity can be more demanding than doing a regular job. Now am not saying all online biz are like that, ofcourse there are some that requires just 1hr daily. Doing an internet business opportunity requires more discipline and competence than a regular job because you may have to do many different chores all by yourself because at the beginning, you probably will be working alone and may not be able to hire helpers. This means that you may have to play many roles and do so many things all at the same time. You may be forced to become a website designer, a copy editor, a sales person, a customer service person, a spokes person, an attorney, a record keeper, an accountant and a publisher all at the same time. This is one of the biggest reasons why most people fail in internet business opportunity because they are unable to play all these roles at the same time. Another reason why most people fail in online business opportunity is that they don’t spend enough money to promote it. Again not all requires you spend. To attain success in some online biz MAY require that you spend thousands of dollars. But most people spend $25 a month to place an ad and if they don’t make any sale, they conclude that the online business package doesn’t work and give up. To succeed in some internet biz may require that you do different types of marketing and internet promotions. Your website must be optimized and competently submitted to both the major directories and the search engines on a regular basis. Dont be discouraged, there are powerful softwares that can do that on 1 click smiley You must have a link exchange program ( Backlinking) that is effective. Again there are good softwares to do that. You may have to do pay per click campaign. You may have to do both online and offline marketing. You may have to do many press releases in order to get free publicity and generate free traffic to buy your blog or site. You may even have to do direct marketing to drive traffic to your websites. All this depends on what type of product or service that you promote. You may have to go offline to find the targeted customers who need what you promote. To succeed in doing this, you must know how to locate a targeted mailing list and how to test it. You may have to do magazine and newspapers advertising too. Above all, depending on the type of product or service that you’re promoting, it may take time for you to start seeing a return on your investment and to become profitable. Unfortunately, most people that get into internet biz lack the attribute of the gods which is patience because they are looking for quick ways to make money. For that reason, they don’t do enough marketing and internet promotion and don’t network and don’t spend enough money to generate traffic and so consequently they fail. Note you can get traffic @ zero cost if you hit the right spot. But when they fail, they are unable to admit that they are at fault. Instead they blame the online business package and the company who sold it to them and label all online business opportunities as scams. Majority of people you see claiming to make money online actually do make money. But how, They make it buy selling bunch of craps they bought without testing it to you. And of course you get no support cos they dont know how it works. Lastly, before you pay anyone for any material or ebook, make sure the seller understands all your needs( the hrs you can sacrifice, the amount you willing to invest, your level of computer literacy).also remember to ask all the questions and mention the doubts you have. Note: Cos a material is priced 500naira doesnt mean it wont work, also if its priced 10000 naira doesnt make it the best. Lastly stay clear of the following Paid to read mails Referral clicking Hyip Surveys Magic robot dt click and generate billions etc Daily seminars from rippers Dont believe all profit screenshot dt you see. May these thread open your eyes to the possibility of infinite wealth and success that can be yours. Feel free to write me back. All the best, Sanni
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 14:39:35 +0000

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